Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Protesti so se iz ZDA razširili tudi po Evropi
Protests from the US also spread across Europe
Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Policisti so Georgea Floyda aretirali, ker naj bi hotel plačati s ponarejenim bankovcem. Če bi bil belec, ga policist za tak prekršek najverjetneje ne bi spravil na tla in mu nato s kolenom osem minut pritiskal na vrat, čeprav je govoril, da ne more dihati.
Police arrested George Floyd because he allegedly wanted to pay with a counterfeit banknote. If he were white, a police officer would most likely not put him on the ground for such an offense and then press his neck with his knee for eight minutes, even though he said he could not breathe.
Po njegovi smrti pa so se na ulice zgrnile množice, ki imajo dovolj rasizma in nasilja nad temnopoltimi. Ameriški časopis za otroke News-O-Matic poroča, da so temnopolti dvakrat pogosteje smrtne žrtve policistov kot belci.
After his death, however, crowds took to the streets and said enough with racism and violence against blacks. The American children's newspaper News-O-Matic reports that blacks are twice as likely to be killed by police officers as whites.
Večinoma miroljubni protesti se se ponekod sprevrgli v nasilne, zato so v nekaterih mestih uvedli policijsko uro. Predsednik Donald Trump je celo razmišljal, da bi na ulice poslal vojsko.
The mostly peaceful protests have turned violent in some places, so curfews were introduced in some cities. President Donald Trump even considered sending the army to the streets.
To se na srečo ni zgodilo.
Fortunately, this did not happen.
Protestnike v ZDA so podprli tudi v Evropi. V britanskem mestu Bristol so porušili spomenik trgovcu s sužnji, v Belgiji pa so s protesti opozarjali tudi na mračno preteklost te države. Pred mnogimi leti je namreč belgijski kralj Leopold II. sredi Afrike ustvaril zasebno kolonijo in prebivalce izkoriščal kot sužnje.
Protesters in the US were also supported in Europe. In the British city of Bristol, a monument to a slave trader was demolished, and in Belgium, protests also drew attention to the country's dark past. Many years ago, King Leopold II of Belgium created a private colony in the middle of Africa and exploited the population as slaves.
Kaj lahko naredite otroci, da bo rasizma manj? V News-O-Maticu svetujejo, da se o njem pogovarjate v šoli in s prijatelji, da veliko berete, da se seznanite z zgodovino in da postanete zavezniki tistih, ki potrebujejo vašo podporo.
What can children do to reduce racism? News-O-Matic advises you to talk about it at school and with friends, to read a lot, to get acquainted with history, and to become allies of those who need your support.
Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.
Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Zvezde se premikajo, mar ne?
The stars are moving, aren't they?
Written by Urša Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Zvezde se premikajo, mar ne? In najbolj jasno jih vidijo astronavti
The stars are moving, aren't they? And they are most clearly seen by astronauts
Bližajo se topli poletni večeri, ko bomo lahko preštevali zvezde.
Warm summer evenings are approaching, when we will be able to count the stars.
Zaradi vrtenja Zemlje se zdi, da zvezde potujejo, ozvezdja pa se zdijo stalna, saj se po njih celo orientiramo.
Because of the rotation of the Earth, the stars seem to travel, and the constellations seem constant, as we even orient ourselves by them.
Toda ali se ozvezdja res ne spreminjajo? Da bi dobili odgovor, moramo najprej izločiti utrinke in satelite.
But aren’t the constellations really changing? To get the answer, we must first eliminate shooting stars and satellites.
Utrinki so ostanki meteoritov, ki se ob stiku z atmosfero zaradi svoje velike hitrosti in trenja vnamejo in zgorijo.
Shooting stars are the remnants of meteorites that ignite and burn when in contact with the atmosphere due to their high speed and friction.
Satelite vidimo kot svetleče pikice, ki se počasi, a enakomerno premikajo. Vidimo jih, ker odbijajo sončno svetlobo, sami pa ne svetijo.
We see satellites as glowing dots that move slowly but steadily. We see them because they reflect sunlight and do not shine themselves.
Za zvezde pa velja, da oddajajo lastno svetlobo in toploto, ki nastajata z jedrskimi reakcijami na površini.
Stars, on the other hand, emit their own light and heat, generated by nuclear reactions on the surface.
Znanstveniki so ugotovili, da se zvezde znotraj ozvezdij premikajo. Skoraj vse, ki jih vidimo, z različnimi hitrostmi krožijo okoli središča naše galaksije, ki ji pravimo Mlečna oziroma Rimska cesta.
Scientists have found that stars move within constellations. Almost everything we see orbits at different speeds around the centre of our galaxy, which we call the Milky Way.
S severne poloble lahko s prostim očesom avgusta vidimo galaksijo Andromedo, ki je nam najbližja. Z južne poloble lahko opazujejo še dve pritlikavi galaksiji, ki sta videti kot svetlobna oblaka.
From the northern hemisphere in August the naked eye can see the Andromeda galaxy, which is closest to us. From the southern hemisphere, it can observe two more dwarf galaxies that look like light clouds.
Toda zvezde se premikajo zelo počasi. Najhitreje se premika drobna Barnardova zvezda v ozvezdju Ophiuchus, tik nad ozvezdjem Škorpijona.
But the stars are moving very slowly. The fastest moving is the tiny Barnard's Star in the constellation Ophiuchus, just above the constellation Scorpio.
Ta »najhitrejša« zvezda bi potrebovala celih 350 let, da prepotuje razdaljo za debelino tvojega mezinčka.
This “fastest” star would take a full 350 years to travel the distance for the thickness of your little finger.
Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.
Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Virusi v tebi
Viruses in you
Written by Urša Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Raziskovalci nevidnega sveta mikroorganizmov človeško telo vedno bolj razumejo kot ekosistem različnih organizmov.
Researchers of the invisible world of microorganisms increasingly understand the human body as an ecosystem of various organisms.
Kot recimo v gozdu domujejo različne vrste živali in rastlin, je tudi naše telo dom različnih bakterij in virusov.
Just as a forest is home to different species of animals and plants, our body is also home to various bacteria and viruses.
Raziskovalci najbolj poznajo bakterije v črevesju. Vedno več pozornosti posvečajo tudi virusom. Po zadnjih ocenah jih je v našem telesu veliko več kot bakterij. Velike večine jih sploh še ne poznamo, saj so ti tako zelo različni.
Researchers know the bacteria in the gut best. They are also paying more and more attention to viruses. According to the latest estimates, there are many more of them in our body than bacteria. We don't even know the vast majority of them yet, because they are so very different.
Celoten nabor virusov imenujemo virom. Od človeka do človeka se ta virom zelo razlikuje, pa tudi ljudje iz različnih delov sveta imajo zelo različne virome zaradi različnih prehranjevalnih in higienskih navad.
The whole set of viruses is called a virome. This virome varies greatly from person to person, and people from different parts of the world also have very different viromes due to different eating and hygiene habits.
Znanstveniki so izolirali različne ostanke virusnih genov iz blata dvojčkov in njune matere. Ugotovili so, da so bili njihovi virusi zelo različni virusi, pa tudi, da imajo zdravi ljudje v telesu ogromno virusov.
Scientists have isolated various remnants of viral genes from the faeces of the twins and their mother. They found that their viruses were very different viruses, and also that healthy people have a huge amount of viruses in their bodies.
Številni virusi nam pomagajo pri prebavi hrane. V debelem črevesju recimo bakteriofagi – virusi bakterij – uravnavajo številčnost bakterij. Tako varujejo naše telo pred okužbo.
Many viruses help us digest food. In the large intestine, for example, bacteriophages – bacterial viruses – regulate the amount of bacteria. This protects our body from infection.
Virusi ne živijo le v debelem črevesju. Svojo sled so pustili tudi na naših genih. Pred 25 milijoni let se je v genom višjih primatov vrinil retro virus.
Viruses don’t just live in the colon. They also left their mark on our genes. Twenty-five million years ago, a retrovirus entered the genome of higher primates.
Ta je povzročil razvoj novega organa pri samicah. Med nosečnostjo se od tedaj v maternici razvije placenta, ki omogoča preskrbo zarodka s hrano.
This led to the development of a new organ in females. During pregnancy, the placenta develops in the uterus, which allows the fetus to be supplied with food
Nova lastnost je zmanjšala smrtnost zarodkov in za vrsto predstavljala tako veliko prednost, da se je virus v našem genomu ohranil do danes.
This new trait reduced embryo mortality and was such a huge advantage for the species that the virus has survived in our genome to this day.
Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.
Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Kako narisati Totora
How to draw Totoro
Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Ti gre risanje dobro od rok? Ali pa si med tistimi, ki le s težavo narišejo obraz, avto ali zajčka?
Are you good at drawing? Or are you among those who have a hard time drawing a face, a car, or a rabbit?
Če si med slednjimi in ti je obenem všeč japonski anime, te bo verjetno zanimalo, da si lahko ogledaš, kako narisati Totora.
If you’re among the latter and you like Japanese anime at the same time, you’ll probably be interested to see how to draw Totoro.
Ne poznaš Totora?
You don’t know Totoro?
To je gozdni duhec iz celovečerne risanke Moj sosed Totoro, ki po videzu spominja na zajca, malo pa tudi na mačko, sovo in rakuna.
This is a forest ghost from the feature-length cartoon My Neighbour Totoro, which looks like a rabbit, but also a bit like a cat, an owl and a raccoon.
Video z napotki za risanje je posnel producent filma Tošio Suzuki.
The video with drawing instructions was shot by the film’s producer, Toshio Suzuki.
V njem počasi in po korakih pojasni, kako začeti z risanjem in na kaj je treba biti posebej pozoren.
In it, slowly and step by step, he explains how to start drawing and what to pay special attention to.
Namenil ga je otrokom, ki morajo v teh koronačasih ostati doma. Če se bodo zamotili z risanjem, jim ne bo tako dolgčas.
He intended it for children who have to stay at home in these corona times. If they get distracted by drawing, they won’t be so bored.
Za japonske risane like je značilno, da imajo oči zelo narazen.
It is characteristic of Japanese cartoon characters that they have their eyes very apart.
Suzuki v videu poudari, da je to najpomembnejše navodilo tudi za risanje Totora.
Suzuki points out in the video that this is the most important instruction for drawing Totoro as well.
»Kot vidite, je med očmi veliko prostora,« pravi. »Na koncu je treba dodati samo še smrček in brčice, pa je.«
“As you can see, there’s a lot of space between the eyes,” he says. "In the end, you just need to add a snout and whiskers, and there it is."
Tak Totoro je zelo preprost, a še vedno tako simpatičen kot tisti iz risanke.
Such a Totoro is very simple, but still as likable as the one in the cartoon.
Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.
Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
V iskanju cepiva za novi koronavirus in vse viruse, ki pridejo za njim
In search of a vaccine for the new coronavirus and all the viruses that come after it
Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Kdaj bomo lahko spet šli v šolo, se igrali s prijatelji, obiskali dedka in babico?
When will we be able to go to school again, play with friends, visit grandparents?
To sprašujete otroci po vsem svetu. In politiki odgovarjajo: Ne vemo.
This is what children all over the world are asking. And politicians reply: We don’t know.
Veliko je odvisno od tega, kdaj bodo znanstveniki odkrili cepivo za novi koronavirus. Potem namreč ne bo več nevarnosti, da bi tisti, ki nam virus manj škodi, okužili naše stare starše, ki jih virus veliko bolj ogroža.
Much depends on when scientists discover a vaccine for the new coronavirus. Then there will be no danger that those who are less harmed by the virus will infect their grandparents, who are much more endangered by the virus.
Med znanstveniki, ki iščejo cepivo, je tudi Američan David Ho. Zaradi njegovih zaslug za razvoj koktejla cepiv za bolezen aids, ga je leta 1996 revija Time razglasila za osebnost leta.
Among the scientists looking for the vaccine is also an American, David Ho. Due to his acclaim for the development of a cocktail of AIDS vaccines, in 1996 Time magazine named him Person of the Year.
Ko je leta 2002 na Kitajskem izbruhnila epidemija sarsa, se je začel zanimati za družino koronavirusov.
When an outbreak of SARS broke out in China in 2002, he became interested in the coronavirus family.
Nekateri predstavniki družine koronavirusov povzročajo le blažji prehlad, drugi smrtonosne bolezni, na primer sars in mers.
Some members of the coronavirus family cause only a mild cold, others deadly diseases such as SARS and MERS.
Ho je koronaviruse raziskoval že ob izbruhu bolezni sars in mers. A bila sta tako kratka, da je zanimanje zanju kmalu pojenjalo in znanstveniki so opustili iskanje zdravila.
Ho has already been researching coronaviruses since the outbreaks of SARS and MERS. But these were so short that interest in them soon fell and scientists abandoned the search for a cure.
Od samega začetka Ho pozorno spremljal izbruh epidemije novega koronavirusa. Kmalu mu je prijatelj, ustanovitelj podjetja Alibaba Jack Ma, ponudil denar za razvoj cepiva proti novemu koronavirusu SARS-CoV-2.
From the very beginning, Ho closely monitored the outbreak of a new coronavirus epidemic. Soon, a friend, Alibaba founder Jack Ma, offered him money to develop a vaccine against the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.
V laboratoriju na univerzi Columbia v New Yorku s sodelavci ne razmišlja le o cepivu za novi koronavirus, ampak o penicilinu za viruse: enem zdravilu (ali vsaj peščici njih) za vse bolezni.
In a lab at Columbia University in New York, he and colleagues are thinking not just about a vaccine for the new coronavirus, but about a penicillin for viruses: one drug (or at least a handful of them) for all diseases.
Strokovnjaki namreč ugotavljajo, da naše zdravje najbolj ogrožajo virusi. Za bakterije, glivice, parazite in prione smo namreč že razvili bolj ali manj učinkovita zdravila, ali pa nas manj ogrožajo.
Experts say that our health is most endangered by viruses. We have already developed more or less effective drugs for bacteria, fungi, parasites and prions, or they are less threatening to us.
Določeni virusi, predvsem virusi gripe in koronavirusi, pa lahko znova ogrozijo človeštvo. Brez trajne rešitve se bodo epidemije, kot je zdajšnja, ponovile, opozarja David Ho.
However, certain viruses, especially influenza viruses and coronaviruses, can once again endanger humanity. Without a lasting solution, epidemics like the current one will recur, David Ho warns.
Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.
Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Šolanje jeseni brez šole in sošolcev?
Going to school in the autumn without school and classmates?
Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Šole čez dober teden odpirajo vrata, a le za nekatere učence.
Schools will open their doors in a little over a week, but only for some students.
Najprej, 18. maja, bodo šli v šolo prvčki, drugarčki in tretjarčki, nato maturanti, teden zatem verjetno še devetošolci.
First, on May 18th, there will be first graders, second graders and third graders, then those in the last year of high school, and then a week later there will probably be ninth graders.
Mnogi otroci ste zelo žalostni, ker se jim ne boste mogli pridružiti. Šestošolka Stela Sternad pravi: »Meni se to zdi nepravično.«
Many children are very sad that they will not be able to join them. Sixth-grader Stela Sternad says, "I find this unfair."
Sedaj je ministrica Simona Kustec napovedala, da bo tudi jeseni del pouka verjetno potekal na daljavo.
Now the [Education] Minister Simona Kustec has announced that in the autumn too some lessons will probably be held at a distance.
Čeprav je naša anketa pokazala, da to ne povzroča preveč preglavic, starši in strokovnjaki niso navdušeni.
Although our survey shows that this does not cause too many headaches, parents and professionals are not impressed.
Otroci potrebujete druženje z vrstniki in kvalitetno šolanje, pravijo.
Kids need socializing with peers and quality schooling, they say.
Opozarjajo, da ponekod učitelji še vedno pošiljajo le liste z navodili, drugod pa imajo denimo vzpostavljene videoučilnice in se učitelji držijo urnika.
They point out that in some places teachers are still sending only instruction sheets, while elsewhere, for example, they have video classrooms and teachers keep to the schedule.
Sprašujejo se, kaj bo denimo z otroki s posebnimi potrebami, ki niso vključeni v posebne zavode. Ti potrebujejo usmerjanje pri šolanju oziroma varstvo, če bodo ostali doma.
They wonder what will happen to children with special needs who are not attending special institutions. They need guidance in schooling or care if they stay at home.
»Šola je in bi morala ostati kljub epidemiji mnogo več kot le prostor za varovanje,« poudarja dr. Klara Skubic Ermenc, predsednica Zveze društev pedagoških delavcev Slovenije.
"Despite the epidemic, school is and should remain much more than just a place to be safe," says Dr. Klara Skubic Ermenc, President of the Association of Teachers' Associations of Slovenia.
»Izobraževanje na daljavo ni šolanje na domu, kjer so starši otrokovi učitelji, ampak vodeno poučevanje. V šoli se otroci učijo živeti skupaj z drugimi in se oblikujejo kot družbena bitja. Učenje v osami tega ne omogoča, hkrati pa ubija učenčevo voljo do učenja. Šola tudi spodbuja razvoj širših potencialov in kreativnosti. Nujno je, da se, ko bodo epidemiološke razmere to omogočale, vsi učenci vrnejo v šole, čeprav po skrajšanem urniku, in doživijo šolo v polnem pomenu besede.«
“Distance education is not home-based education where parents are the child's teachers, but guided teaching. At school, children learn to live with others and to form themselves as social beings. Being alone doesn’t do this, and also kills the student's will to learn. School also encourages the development of broader potentials and creativity. It is imperative that when the epidemiological situation allows, all students will return to school, albeit on a shortened schedule, and experience school in the fullest sense of the word. "
Pa še to, pravi strokovnjakinja: šolski sistem naj se nemudoma začne pripravljati na jesen, da bodo šole tudi v drugačnih razmerah lahko spet opravljale svoje poslanstvo.
Moreover, says the expert: the school system should immediately begin to prepare for the autumn so that schools will be able to fulfil their mission again under different conditions.
Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.
Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Nazaj v šolske klopi morda že 11. Maja
Maybe back to school May 11th
Written by Romana Dobnikar Šeruga, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Pogrešaš šolo?
Do you miss school?
Ministrica za izobraževanje Simona Kustec je včeraj namignila, da bi šole in vrtce morda odprli že 11. maja.
Education Minister Simone Kustec yesterday hinted that schools and kindergartens might be open as early as May 11th.
A ne veseli se prezgodaj! To je samo »prvi možni datum«.
But don't get happy too soon! This is only the "first possible date".
Preden šole znova odprejo svoja vrata, morajo pripraviti zaščitne ukrepe. Ti bodo tako učence kot učitelje varovali pred novim koronavirusom.
Before schools open their doors again they need to put safeguards in place. These will protect both students and teachers from the new coronavirus.
Bo treba v šoli nositi zaščitne maske? Tega še ne vemo. Verjetno pa zaščitni ukrepi v šolah ne bodo dosti drugačni od tistih, ki že veljajo v trgovinah, pisarnah in drugod, kjer prihaja v stik več ljudi.
Will we have to wear protective masks at school? We don't know yet. Most likely the safeguards in schools will not be much different from those already in place in shops, offices and elsewhere where more people come into contact.
To pa so:
These are:
Stroga pravila čiščenja in razkuževanja šolskih prostorov.
Strict rules for cleaning and disinfecting school premises.
Temeljito in pravilno umivanje rok: militi si jih moraš eno minuto in jih nato sprati s toplo vodo.
Wash your hands thoroughly and properly: wash them for one minute and then rinse them with warm water.
Pravilno kašljanje: kašljamo v robček, ki ga nato zavržemo, ali pa v komolec.
Proper coughing: cough in a handkerchief, which is then discarded, or in the elbow.
Z rokami se ne dotikamo oči, da ne prenesemo morebitne okužbe.
We do not touch our eyes with our hands to avoid any possible infection.
Primerna oddaljenost od drugih ljudi – najmanj meter in pol! To pomeni, da v šoli ne boš več sedela skupaj s svojo najboljšo prijateljico, saj bo najverjetneje vsak sedel v svoji klopi in v primerni oddaljenosti od sošolca spredaj in zadaj. Tudi med odmori in v šolski jedilnici bo druženje strogo omejeno.
Keep an adequate distance from other people - at least a metre and a half! This means that you will no longer sit with your best friend at school, since everyone is likely to be sitting on their own seat and at an appropriate distance from their classmates front and back. Even during breaks and in the school cafeteria, socialising will be strictly limited.
Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.
Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Otroci so v šoli tudi na varnem, na toplem, niso lačni in niso žejni
Children are also safe, warm, not hungry and thirsty at school
Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Da igra šola v življenju otrok zelo pomembno vlogo, nam je zdaj bolj jasno kot kdajkoli prej.
It is now more clear than ever that school plays a very important role in children's lives.
Poleg osnovne vloge, izobraževanja, ima še številne druge, pravi klinična psihologinja dr. Mateja Hudoklin iz Svetovalnega centra za otroke, mladostnike in starše.
Besides the basic role, education, there are many others, says clinical psychologist Dr. Mateja Hudoklin from the Counselling Center for Children, Adolescents and Parents.
V šoli se otroci družijo, navezujejo stike z vrstniki in odraslimi, se urijo v socialnih veščinah, učijo se uravnavati svoje vedenjske in čustvene odzive.
At school, children socialise, interact with peers and adults, learn social skills, learn to regulate their behavioural and emotional responses.
Ali je to enako pomembno za vse otroke?
Is this equally important for all children?
Marsikdaj zadovoljuje tudi tiste potrebe, ki bi jih moralo zadovoljevati ožje otrokovo okolje.
Many times it also meets the needs that should be satisfied by the child's environment.
Otroci so v šoli na varnem, na toplem, niso lačni in niso žejni. Šolsko življenje nudi strukturo, z vsemi pravili in odnosi in vse to otrokom daje občutek varnosti. Večina otrok v šoli najde prijatelje, simpatije, tudi odrasle vzornike.
Kids are safe, warm, not hungry or thirsty at school. School life offers a structure, with all the rules and attitudes, and it gives children a sense of security. Most children find friends, warmth, even adult role models at school.
Mnogi otroci vsega tega ne dobijo v družinskem okolju.
Many children do not get all this in a family setting.
Kako pa to, da ni šole, vpliva na otroke?
How does being out of school affect children?
Prve tedne je bilo ostajanje doma verjetno za večino otrok prijetno, mnogi so jih doživljali kot male počitnice.
For the first few weeks, staying home was probably enjoyable for most children, many experiencing it as a small vacation.
Sčasoma se ti občutki spreminjajo. Vedno bolj pogrešajo stike z vrstniki, aktivnosti.
Over time, these feelings change. They are increasingly missing peer contacts, activities.
Mnogi otroci težko samostojno delajo za šolo in potrebujejo pomoč staršev. To je lahko vir dodatnih napetosti doma. Mnoge tudi skrbi, kako bo z ocenami.
Many children find it difficult to work independently for school and need the help of their parents. This can be a source of additional tension at home. Many also worry about how the grades will be.
Negotovost povečuje zaskrbljenost in občutek tesnobe. Zdaj toliko bolj prihaja v ospredje, v kakšni družini in okolju živi otrok.
Uncertainty increases fear and anxiety. Now the family and environment a child lives in come to the fore.
Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.
Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Sanjava hobotnica in njene barve
A dreaming octopus and its colors
Written by Urša Adamič,, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Ali si lahko predstavljaš, da bi se tvoja barva kože spreminjala, medtem ko spiš?
Can you imagine your skin colour changing while you sleep?
Znanstveniki so posneli neverjetno prelivanje barv po telesu hobotnice, medtem ko spi. Prijetno in pomirjujoče jo je opazovati v teh nenavadnih časih.
Scientists have filmed the incredible flood of colour all over an octopus' body while it sleeps. It is enjoyable and reassuring to see her in these strange times.
Ali morda sanja? Ne vemo. O tem lahko le ugibamo.
Or maybe it’s dreaming? We do not know. We can only guess about that.
Obdobje, ko ponoči sanjamo, traja uro in pol do dve uri. Med spanjem naše telo prehaja skozi različne faze in tudi sanjamo v različnih fazah.
The period when we dream at night lasts an hour and a half to two hours. During sleep, our body goes through different phases, and we also dream in different phases.
Najbolj intenzivne sanje, ki si jih tudi najbolje zapomnimo, doživimo v fazi REM. Kratica pomeni hitro premikanje oči, ki je značilno za čas, ko sanjamo.
The most intense dreams, which we also remember best, are experienced in the REM phase. This acronym means rapid eye movement, which is typical of the time when we dream.
Raziskovalci so na različne načine preverili, če živali med spanjem tudi sanjajo. Iskali so fazo REM. Izkazalo se je, da večina sesalcev in ptic sanja, fazo REM so zabeležili tudi pri nekaterih plazilcih, medtem ko velja, da dvoživke in ribe ne sanjajo.
Researchers have found in various ways that animals also dream when sleeping. They were looking for the REM phase. It turns out that most mammals and birds dream, and the REM phase has also been recorded in some reptiles, while amphibians and fish do not dream.
Kaj pa nevretenčarji, med katere uvrščamo tudi hobotnice? V eni od raziskav so znanstveniki sicer prikazali, da tudi sipe med spanjem spreminjajo barvo kože. To bi lahko pomenilo, da sanjajo.
What about invertebrates, which include octopuses? In one study, scientists found that cuttlefish also change skin colour during sleep. It could mean they are dreaming.
Kljub raziskavam še vedno ni jasno, ali živali sanjajo v slikah in zvokih, tako kot mi, ali kako drugače. Žal nam tega verjetno nikoli ne bodo mogle povedati.
Despite research, it is still unclear whether animals dream in pictures and sounds, just like us, or otherwise. Unfortunately, they will probably never be able to tell us.
Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.
Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Etični heker
Ethical hacker
Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Etični heker svetuje, kako se zavarujemo pred zlorabami na spletu.
An ethical hacker advises how to protect against online abuse
Te dni, ko delamo in se šolamo od doma, prejemamo tudi številna obvestila, da moramo biti pozorni na spletno varnost.
These days, as we work and study from home, we are also receiving numerous announcements that we need to pay attention to online security.
Hekerji še pogosteje vdirajo v računalniška omrežja in povzročajo škodo. Kako se lahko zavarujemo, svetuje etični heker Edvin Rustemagić iz podjetja SIQ.
Hackers are even more likely to invade computer networks and cause damage. The ethical hacker Edvin Rustemagić of SIQ advises on how to protect yourself.
A documentary on Slovenian hackers, with English subtitles
Za običajne hekerje smo že slišali, kdo so pa etični hekerji?
We've heard about ordinary hackers, but who are ethical hackers?
Etični hekerji razmišljamo, delujemo in uporabljamo ista orodja kot tipični hekerji.
Ethical hackers think, act and use the same tools as typical hackers.
Razlika je v tem, da ne škodimo podjetjem, ampak jim pomagamo pri odkrivanju ranljivosti in varnostnih pomanjkljivosti njihovih informacijskih sistemov.
The difference is that we are not harming companies, but helping them to identify the vulnerabilities and security flaws of their information systems.
Zakaj ste postali etični heker?
Why did you become an ethical hacker?
Že v osnovni šoli sem bil fasciniran nad računalništvom in hekanjem. Začelo se je s pisanjem raziskovalnih nalog na temo virusov in protivirusnih programov in s pridobivanjem znanja na takratnih družbenih omrežjih.
Back in elementary school, I was fascinated with computer science and hacking. It began with writing research papers on viruses and antivirus programs and gaining knowledge on the social networks of the time.
Ko sem v gimnaziji ugotovil, da poklic etičnega hekerja dejansko obstaja in da lahko počnem vse, kar počnejo hekerji, ter hkrati prispevam h krepitvi informacijske varnosti, se je moje življenje spremenilo.
When I found out in high school that the ethical hacker profession actually exists and that I can do whatever hackers do, and at the same time contribute to enhancing information security, my life changed.
Kakšen je vaš delovni dan?
What is your working day like?
Vsak delovni dan je drugačen. V ponedeljek recimo preverjam varnost strežnikov, v torek varnost bančne aplikacije, v sredo pa poskušam ponarejati e-poštna sporočila.
Every working day is different. On Monday, for example, I could check the security of the servers, on Tuesday the security of the banking application, and on Wednesday I could try to forge emails.
Ljudem v moji stroki ni nikoli dolgčas.
People in my field are never bored.
Na kaj morajo biti te dni pozorni otroci?
What do children need to be paying attention to these days?
Nikomur ne dajajte osebnih podatkov, imena in priimka, gesla, domačega naslova … Ne objavljajte slik brez dovoljenja staršev in ne pogovarjajte se s tujci.
Do not give anyone personal information, name, password, home address ... Do not post pictures without parental permission or speak to strangers.
Ne odpirajte sporočil od nekoga, ki ga ne poznate. Na računalnik ne nalagajte ničesar brez dovoljenja staršev.
Don't open messages from someone you don't know. Do not upload anything to your computer without parental permission.
Na neprimerna sporočila in vsebino nemudoma opozorite odraslo osebo, ki ji zaupate.
Immediately alert a trusted adult to inappropriate messages and content.
Predlagam tudi časovno omejitev za uporabo spleta, saj je zdaj idealen trenutek, da se povežemo in počnemo stvari, za katere po navadi zmanjka časa.
I also suggest a time limit for using the internet, because now is the perfect time to connect and do things that you usually don’t have time for.
Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.