Potica in its classic form is not the fastest dish to make. Nevertheless, during the holidays we came across a very delicious potica (as seen in the picture above) with lots of filling and a promise that it was easy and relatively fast to make.
We subsequently obtained the following recipe:
Preparation process:
Prepare the dough first so that it can rest while you’re preparing the filling.
It’s good if all dough ingredients are of the same temperature, and it’s better if they are warm than cold.
Crumble and dissolve the yeast in a jar of milk and stir in a pinch of sugar and a spoon of flour. Leave in a warm place for about an hour.
Place the flour into a larger container where the dough is about to be made, add salt and form a well in the middle of the pile of flour. Pour the yeast mixture in the middle of the well, add the egg yolks and stir them into the mixture while already mixing in the flour from the walls of the well, until soft ball of dough is formed.
The dough should be quite soft, so it’s is better to bake two small poticas than a big one. For two small potica’s (the baking trays that were used were 10x30 cm size at the top), divide the dough into half and let it rest for about half an hour.
Mix all the ingredients into the filling. It shouldn’t be too dry to spread on the top of the dough once ready.
Roll the dough on a floured cloth, spread the filling across and roll. Spread butter and bread crumbs on the inside of the baking tray so that potica won’t stick to it. Put potica into the baking tray and bake at 150 degrees Celsius for about an hour and a half.
Cool the potica down before cutting it.
Dober tek!