Ljubljana related

10 May 2019, 12:13 PM

Another in out series of "dual text" videos, with audio in Slovene and subtitles in English, or vice versa. This one follows Vesna Klančar, a Slovenian plus-sized model on her way to a fashion show in Bologna. Klančar also wrote and directed the documentary, with Amelisa Eminić and Julia Minet in the technical crew. All of your dual textsto help you learn the language can be found here.

Beauty Has No Size from Kino Otok on Vimeo.

09 May 2019, 15:00 PM

Kdaj bo javnosti predstavljen dojenček Susseški?

When will the Sussexes’ baby be presented to the public?

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Britanci, pa tudi vsi, ki spremljajo dogajanje na britanskem dvoru, so dočakali rojstvo novega kraljevega dojenčka.

The British, as well as everyone who watches events in the British court, awaited the birth of a new royal baby.

Meghan Markle, žena princa Harryja, je v ponedeljek rodila zdravega fantiča.

Meghan Markle, wife of Prince Harry, gave birth to a healthy boy on Monday.

Britanci zdaj nestrpno čakajo, kdaj ga bodo lahko videli. Ob tem pa še pobirajo stave, kako mu bo ime.

The British are now eagerly waiting to see him. At the same time, they are still putting bets on his name.

Po prvih informacijah naj bi vojvoda in vojvodinja Susseška svojega sina predstavila prav danes.

According to the first information, the Duke and the Duchess of Sussex will present their son today.

S tem sta prekinila tradicijo, po kateri člani kraljeve družine novorojenčke javnosti pokažejo že nekaj ur po rojstvu.

With this, they have broken the tradition that newborn members of the royal family are shown to the public a few hours after their birth.

A porod lahko mlade mame zelo utrudi, zato je odločitev, da se vojvodinja Susseška z dojenčkom javnosti pokaže nekaj dni kasneje, smiselna in razumljiva. Tako bosta oba že dovolj spočita.

But giving birth can be very tiring for young mothers, so the decision to show the Duchess of Sussex with the baby to the public a few days later is sensible and understandable. So that both of them have had enough rest.

Dojenček je sedmi v vrsti za kraljevi prestol. Pred njim je njegov oče princ Harry.

The baby is the seventh in line to the throne. In front of him in his father, Prince Harry.

Svoje občutke ob rojstvu prvorojenca je novopečeni očka opisal v čustvenem pogovoru z novinarji.

He described his feelings as a new father at the birth of his first-born in an emotional conversation with reporters.

»Zelo sem vesel, da lahko naznanim, da sva z Meghan zgodaj zjutraj dobila otroka, in sicer zdravega sina. Mama in otrok se počutita zelo dobro. To je bila neverjetna izkušnja, bolj posebna, kot sem si lahko kdaj koli zamišljal,« je med drugim dejal.

"I'm very happy to announce that Meghan and myself had a baby early this morning, a very healthy boy. Mother and baby are doing incredibly well. It's been the most amazing experience I could ever possibly imagine, "he said, among other things.

 Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

04 May 2019, 01:13 AM

Citizens of Ljubljana talk about gender equlity in a documentary made by Barbara Kapelj and Tadeja Pungerčar, produced by the city government of Ljubljana.


01 May 2019, 09:59 AM

This documentary, from 2011, tells the story of the first black African leader in (as the producers put it) “Eastern Europe” – the then recently elected Mayor of Piran, Peter Bossman. An inspirational story for anyone who’s moved to Slovenia, and especially for anyone struggling to learn the Language – in Slovene with English subtitles.

30 Apr 2019, 18:39 PM

Izberi svojo prihodnost

Choose your future

Written by Katarina Bulatović, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

 Mesec dni pred evropskimi volitvami, ki bodo v Sloveniji 26. maja, se je začela predvolilna kampanja.

A month before the European elections that will be held in Slovenia on 26 May, the pre-election campaign began.

Vsi, ki kandidirajo za poslance v Evropski parlament, lahko začnejo nagovarjati volivce, naj glasujejo ravno zanje.

All those who will run to become Members of the European Parliament can begin to encourage voters to vote for them.

To lahko dosežejo z nastopi na javnih prireditvah, s plakati in oglasi. Vse pogosteje volivce nagovarjajo tudi po družbenih omrežij.

They can do this by having public events, posters and ads. More and more voters are also getting information from social networks.

Svoje liste so že vložili Slovenska nacionalna stranka, Dobra država, Slovenska demokratska stranka in Slovenska ljudska stranka, Stranka Alenke Bratušek, Nova Slovenija – krščanski demokrati, Socialni demokrati, DOM – Domovinska liga, Demokratična stranka upokojencev Slovenije, Lista Marijana Šarca, Gibanje Zedinjena Slovenija, Stranka modernega centra, Povežimo se in Levica.

The following parties have already submitted their lists [of candidates] The Slovenian National Party, the Good State, the Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS) and the Slovenian People's Party, the Alenka Bratušek Party, Nova Slovenija - Christian Democrats (NSi), the Social Democrats, DOM - the Homeland League, the Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia (DeSUS), the List of Marijana Šarec, the Movement of the United Slovenia , Modern Centre Party (SMC), Connect and Levica (the Left).

Rok za vložitev kandidatnih list se izteče nocoj ob polnoči.

The deadline for filing the candidates’ papers expires at midnight tonight.

K udeležbi na volitvah spodbujajo tudi v Evropskem parlamentu. Pripravili so kratek film Izberi svojo prihodnost (film je v angleščini, a je opremljen s slovenskimi podnapisi, ki jih lahko vklopiš v nastavitvah). Gledalce nagovarja k premisleku o prihodnjih generacijah, ki bodo čutile posledice teh volitev.

Participation in the elections for the European Parliament is also being promoted. A short film has been prepared, Choose Your Future (the film is in English, but it has Slovenian subtitles that you can turn on in the settings). It encourages viewers to reflect on the fact that future generations will feel the consequences of these elections.

Kakšna bo torej podoba Evrope v prihodnosti? Odločitev je v rokah tistih, ki se bodo konec maja odpravili na volitve.

What will be the image of Europe in the future? The decision is in the hands of those who will go to the polls at the end of May.

Po podatkih iz raziskave Eurobarometer je približno tretjina državljanov EU (35 odstotkov) prepričana, da bodo maja oddali svoj glas, tretjina jih je še neodločena (32 odstotkov).

According to a Eurobarometer survey, about a third of EU citizens (35 percent) are certain that they will vote in May, with a third being still undecided (32 percent).

Med mladimi z volilno pravico jih je kljub temu, da so najbolj naklonjeni EU (75 odstotkov), zgolj 21 odstotkov dejalo, da bodo zagotovo šli na volitve. 34 odstotkov pa jih je še neodločenih, so sporočili iz pisarne Evropskega parlamenta v Sloveniji.

Among young people with voting rights, despite the most in favour of the EU (75 percent), only 21 percent said they would definitely go to the polls. Thirty-four percent are still undecided, the European Parliament office in Slovenia said.

 Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/R3tErFvAgag" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

23 Apr 2019, 08:36 AM

Napadi na Šrilanki

Attacks on Sri Lanka

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Prazniki bi morali biti čas radosti in miru.

Holidays should be a time of joy and peace.

A na velikonočno nedeljo so na otoku Šrilanka odjeknile eksplozije.

And on Easter Sunday, explosions erupted on the island of Sri Lanka.

Med napadi na tamkajšnje cerkve in hotele je umrlo skoraj tristo ljudi. Še veliko več je bilo hudo poškodovanih.

Nearly three hundred people died during attacks on local churches and hotels. Many more were seriously injured.

Mnogi so bili v času napadov pri velikonočni maši. Številni drugi so ravno v tistem času zajtrkovali v hotelskih jedilnicah.

At the time of the attacks many were attending Easter Mass. A number of others were having breakfast in hotel dining rooms at that time.

Šrilanška vlada pravi, da je za napade odgovorna majhna radikalna teroristična skupina NTJ.

The Sri Lankan government says that the small radical terrorist group NTJ is responsible for the attacks.

Po napadih se je izvedelo, da so bili šrilanški policisti opozorjeni na možnost napada.

After the attacks, it was learned that the Sri Lankan police had been warned about the possibility of an attack.

Sedaj pristojni ugotavljajo, zakaj teh opozoril niso upoštevali.

Now, the authorities are investigating why these warnings were not taken seriously.

V državi so razglasili izredne razmere. Zaradi tega bodo lahko policisti in vojaki morebitne osumljence priprli in zaslišali brez posebnega dovoljenja sodišča.

A state of emergency has been declared in the country. As a result, police officers and soldiers will be able to detain and question potential suspects without the special permission of the court.

Na Šrilanki so med državljansko vojno v preteklosti že doživeli podobne izbruhe nasilja. A tokratni napad je zaradi svoje neusmiljenosti in velikega števila žrtev močno pretresel državo. Mnogi napovedujejo, da bodo morala miniti leta, preden se bo rana, ki so jo otoku zadali napadalci, zacelila.

Because of civil war, Sri Lanka has already experienced similar outbreaks of violence in the past. This attack, because of its ruthlessness and the large number of victims, has shaken the country hard. Many predict that it will take years before the wounds that the attackers have made on the island will heal.

Danes je na Šrilanki dan žalovanja.

Today is a day of mourning in Sri Lanka.

 Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

19 Apr 2019, 15:16 PM

I’m always on the hunt for interesting videos related to Slovenia, and – as someone who’s learning the language – also looking out anything that can help in this regard. One thing that seems to work well is Slovenian subtitles, so I can read along while hearing the English, pausing to make notes when needed.

Related: Slovene with Subtitles: Watching TV for Fun and Profit

Because April 20th is once more upon us, and thus a cannabis-themed post seems in order, the time has come to share these three travel documentaries that focus on the cultivaction and use of this widely valued, and widely demonised, plant.

All our posts on learning Slovene are here

15 Apr 2019, 11:12 AM

Veš, kaj ješ?

Do you know what you eat?

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

So ti všeč slastno dišeči rogljički ali žepki?

Do you like deliciously fragrant croissants or pastry pockets?

Jih imaš raje z marmelado ali čokolado?

Do you prefer marmalade or chocolate?

Pa veš, kako jih pripravijo? Hm, ta odgovor je pa najbrž že malo bolj zapleten!

Do you know how to make them? Well, that answer is probably a bit more complicated!

A morda niti ni tako pomembno, da veš, kako jih pripravijo. Bolj je pomembno, da jih pripravijo iz zdravih sestavin.

But it’s maybe not be so important to know how to prepare them. It’s more important to prepare them from healthy ingredients.

Odslej denimo ne bodo smeli vsebovati transmaščobnih kislih.

From now on, they will not be allowed to contain trans fatty acids.

Te so namreč zdravju škodljive, zato so jih prepovedali. V 100 gramih maščob sta po novem lahko le še 2 grama transmaščobnih kislin.

They are harmful to health, so they have been banned. Only 2 grams of trans fatty acids can be added to every 100 grams of fat after the new rules.

Če bodo inšpektorji odkrili, da kdo prodaja rogljičke in druge izdelke, ki imajo več teh kislin, ga bodo kaznovali.

If inspectors find that someone sells croissants and other products that have more of these acids, they will be penalized.

Veliki trgovci in proizvajalci pravijo, da so pripravljeni na nova pravila.

Large traders and manufacturers say they are ready for the new rules.

Transmaščobne kisline škodijo predvsem srcu in žilam.

Trans fatty acids mainly harm the heart and veins.

Najbolj znano živilo, ki jih vsebuje, je margarina. Čeprav jo znajo narediti tako, da vsebuje manj teh škodljivih kislin, vsi izdelovalci sladkih dobrot še ne uporabljajo sodobno izdelane margarine.

The most famous food containing these is margarine. Although it can be made in such a way that it contain less of these harmful acids, not all manufacturers of sweet treats use such margarines.

Strokovnjaki zato svetujejo, da smo pozorni predvsem na živila, kot so piškoti ali rogljički, ki so narejeni v velikih količinah oziroma ki so industrijsko narejeni.

Experts therefore advise us to pay particular attention to foods, such as biscuits or croissants, which are made in large quantities or which are industrially made.

Ker so v živilih še druge škodljive snovi, so v Sloveniji pred kratkim predstavili aplikacijo, ki spremlja sestavine v živilih.

Since there are other harmful substances in foods, an app has been recently introduced in Slovenia that monitors ingredients in foods.

Imenuje se Veš, kaj ješ? Lahko jo naložiš na telefon in na preprost način izveš, koliko škodljivih snovi ima neko živilo.

It's called Do you know what you eat? You can install it on a phone and easily find out how many harmful ingredients a food has.

Če zasveti rdeča luč, je bolje, da se mu izogneš. Rumena barva sporoča, da je treba biti previden; ne pretiravaj s količino. In če se pokaže zelena, je živilo primerno zate.

If the red light turns on, it's better to avoid it. If it’s yellow, thius tells you to be cautious; do not overdo it. And if it turns green, the food is good for you.

 Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

08 Apr 2019, 11:49 AM

Brexit znova odložen

Brexit postponed again

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Se spomniš brexita?

Do you remember Brexit?

To je tisti referendum, na katerem so volivci v Veliki Britaniji odločili, da ne želijo biti več del Evropske unije.

This is the referendum in which voters in the UK decided that they did not want to be part of the European Union anymore.

Takrat je veljalo, da bodo Evropsko unijo zapustili 29. marca letos. Toda bolj ko se je bližal ta datum, bolj je kazalo, da iz te moke ne bo kruha.

Then it was said that the UK would leave the European Union on March 29 this year. But the closer it came to this date, the more it seemed that there would be “no bread from this flour”. [Idiom: nothing would come from this].

Kaj se bo zgodilo v prihodnjih dneh z britanskim izstopom iz Evropske unije, ne ve nihče. Poslanci so doslej zavrnili še vse predloge britanske vlade.

Nobody knows what will happen in the coming days with Britain’s exit from the European Union. [British] MPs have so far rejected all proposals by the British government.

Brexit naj bi se namesto 29. marca zgodil 12. aprila.

Brexit is due to happen on April 29th instead of March 29th.

A premierka Theresa May je znova zaprosila za podaljšanje časa za izstop.

Prime Minister Theresa May again asked for an extension of the exit date.

Če Britanci ne bodo želeli sodelovati na evropskih volitvah, ki bodo med 23. in 26. majem, bodo morali poslanci sporazum o ločitvi Velike Britanije in Evropske unije potrditi še pred 22. majem.

If the British do not want to participate in the European elections of May 23-26, MPs will have to confirm the agreement on the separation of Great Britain and the European Union before May 22.

V zadnjem mesecu je sicer šest milijonov Britancev podpisalo peticijo, s katero želijo preklicati brexit.

In the past month, six million Britons signed a petition calling for Brexit to be cancelled.

 Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

01 Apr 2019, 16:54 PM

Memi in gifi ostajajo vsem na voljo

Memes and gifs remain available to everyone

Written by Katarina Bulatović, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Evropski poslanci so znova odločali o zelo pomembnem dokumentu.

MEPs decided again on a very important document.

Tega so eni željno pričakovali, drugi pa so menili, da bo zaradi njega virtualni svet drugačen, kot je bil doslej.

Some were happy to accept it, while others thought that it would make the virtual world very different to before.

In znova so ga podprli.

And they [the MEPs] supported it once again.

Velika tehnološka podjetja, kot sta Google in Facebook, so direktivi nasprotovala. Na njihovi strani so bili tudi vsi tisti, ki so prepričani, da zaradi direktive ne bodo več mogli dostopati do informacij na enak način kot doslej.

Large tech companies, such as Google and Facebook, opposed the directive. On their side were also all those who are convinced that because of the directive they will no longer be able to access information in the same way as before.

Večina glasbenikov, igralcev, pisateljev in novinarjev pa jo je težko pričakovala.

Most musicians, actors, writers and journalists were really looking forward to it.

Tehnološka podjetja, ki na spletnih platformah, kot je na primer YouTube, ponujajo pesmi ali videoposnetke, bodo morala njihovim ustvarjalcem plačati nadomestilo za uporabo.

Technology companies that offer songs or videos on online platforms, such as YouTube, will have to pay their creators compensation for their use.

Tega doslej niso počela, čeprav zaradi teh vsebin, ob katerih objavljajo oglase, zaslužijo veliko denarja.

Until now, they did not do this, although they show ads earn a lot of money with this content

Po drugi strani pa marsikateri glasbenik ali pisec komaj živi od svojega dela.

On the other hand, many musicians or writers can barely live from their work.

Tehnološka podjetja so podprli tudi številni posamezniki, ki so se bali, da ne bodo mogli več ustvarjati memov ali gifov.

Technology companies have also [financially] supported many individuals who feared that they would no longer be able to create memes or gifs.

Bali so se, da bodo s tem kršili avtorske pravice denimo fotografa in da bodo zato kaznovani.

They feared that if they violated the copyright of a photographer they would be punished.

Poslanci so prav zato izrecno zapisali, da lahko avtorska dela še naprej uporabljamo za citiranje ali za ustvarjanje memov.

For this reason, MEPs have explicitly stated that copyright works can continue to be used for citations or the creation of memes.

Tudi ti lahko torej še naprej svoje videoposnetke objavljaš na YouTubu, prijatelju pa brez skrbi pošlješ gif ali se nasmeješ novem memu. 

So, you can continue to post your videos on YouTube, can send your gifs without worrying, or smile at the new meme.

Direktivo morajo države članice EU prenesti v svojo zakonodajo, zato ne bo začela veljati še vsaj tri leta.

The directive still needs to be transposed by the EU Member States into their legislation, and therefore it will not enter into force for at least three years.

 Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here, while you can study with some Slovenian memes here

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