Credit Suisse Finds Slovenia Has Around 10,000 USD Millionaires

By , 24 Oct 2018, 18:30 PM Business
Credit Suisse Finds Slovenia Has Around 10,000 USD Millionaires Flickr - Pictures of Money CC by 2.0

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And large differences in the region in terms of average net wealth per adult. 

October 24, 2018

Credit Suisse’s latest Global Wealth report claims that Slovenia now has around 10,000 millionaires, as measured in US dollars, with 59 of these having more than US$ 50 million in assets. The country with the largest number of rich people is America, with around 17,350,000 millionaires, and 70,540 citizens with more than US$ 50 million.

With regard to the country’s net wealth, Slovenia is said to have US$ 133 billion, which works out as an average per adult of US$ 79,097, or €69,365. Turning to the country’s immediate neighbours, for Croatia this number is US$ 35,951, Hungary US$ 37,954, Austria US$ 231,368, and Italy US$ 217,787.

The full data sets for all the world’s countries can be found here.


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