People Who Rent Out Property Via Airbnb and Booking Need to Pay Rental Taxes Before January 31, 2018

By , 15 Dec 2017, 18:12 PM Business
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FURS has obtained data on income from Airbnb and Booking, and threatened those who profit with fines.

December 15, 2017
In the press release earlier this month, the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (FURS) stated that at the beginning of 2018 they will implement tightened control of income received by renting real estate on a tourist lease (and also via online portals such as Booking, Airbnb, etc.).
FURS has obtained data on the income derived from renting out property on a tourist lease, and suggest that Slovenian citizens check again whether or not they have reported all the income generated by letting out a property in this manner. The deadline has been prolonged, and people still have until January 31, 2018 to do this, thus avoiding high fines for later or not payment.
More specifically, taxpayers who will fulfil the statutory obligations regarding the leasing of real estate in a tourist rental, and submit an advance payment of taxes by 31 January 2018, will avoid misdemeanour charges and fines according to tax regulations. In such cases, one will pay only 3% of the interest from underpaid or unpaid taxes. 
If FURS starts a misdemeanour procedure, i.e. not paying taxes from renting real estate, one can be fined from 400 to 30,000 EUR. In the past few days, the Slovenian media have reported that FURS already has all the information it needs about the income from these activities for each citizen, and raised the question as to where this information came from.
FURS answered that source cannot be revealed, as it may damage the ongoing procedures and investigations.


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