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Nova vlada bo imela več ministrstev. Kdo jih bo vodil?
The new government will have several ministries. Who will lead them?
Written by Sandra Hanžič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Znani so prvi obrisi nove vlade!
The first outlines of the new government are known!
Predsednik Gibanja Svoboda (GS) Robert Golob je zvečer predstavil imena kandidatov za ministre.
In the evening, the president of the Freedom Movement (GS), Robert Golob, presented the names of the candidates for ministers.
Njegova vlada bo sicer imela tri podpredsednike. Poleg predsednikov SD in Levice, ki bodo del vlade, Tanje Fajon in Luke Mesca, bo tretje mesto prevzel zdravnik Danijel Bešič Loredan iz Gibanja Svoboda. Ta bo hkrati postal minister za zdravje.
His government will have three vice presidents. In addition to the presidents of SD and Levica, who will be part of the government, Tanja Fajon and Luka Mesca, the third place will be taken by Dr Danijel Bešič Loredan from the Svoboda Movement. He will also become Minister of Health at the same time.
Dobili bomo tudi tri nova ministrstva, in sicer za:
- solidarno prihodnost, ki se bo ukvarjalo s stanovanjsko politiko ter dolgotrajno oskrbo in ga bo vodil Luka Mesec,
- podnebje in energijo, ki ga bo vodil Bojan Kumer,
- visoko šolstvo, znanost in inovacije, ki ga bo vodil Igor Papič.
We will also get three new ministries, namely:
- Solidarity Future, which will deal with housing policy and long-term care and will be led by Luka Mesec,
- Climate and Energy, led by Bojan Kumer,
- Higher Education, Science and Innovation, led by Igor Papič.
Vsega skupaj bo tako 19 ministrstev in še eno dodatno, ki bo skrbelo za Slovence in zamejce po svetu. Tega bo prevzel generalni sekretar GS Matej Arčon.
In total, there will be 19 ministries and one additional one that will take care of Slovenes abroad. This will be taken over by the Secretary General of the General Assembly Matej Arčon.
“Namen novih ministrstev je, da imamo bolj jasne cilje na področjih, na katerih želimo hitre spremembe.” – Robert Golob, predsednik Gibanja Svoboda
“The purpose of the new ministries is to have clearer goals in areas where we want rapid change.” – Robert Golob, President of the Freedom Movement
Državotvorna ministrstva bodo vodili:
Tanja Fajon za zunanje in evropske zadeve,
Tatjana Bobnar (nekdanja direktorica policije) za notranje zadeve,
The state-building ministries will be headed by:
Marjan Šarec za obrambo.
Tanja Fajon for Foreign and European Affairs,
Tatjana Bobnar (former director of police) for internal affairs,
Marjan Šarec for defence.
Ministrska mesta bodo prevzeli še:
Alenka Bratušek za infrastrukturo,
Klemen Boštjančič za finance,
Amalija Žakelj za vzgojo in šolstvo,
Uroš Brežan za varstvo narave in okolja,
Dominika Švarc Pipan za pravosodje,
Sanja Ajanovič Hovnik za javno upravo,
Matjaž Han za gospodarstvo, turizem in šport.
Ministerial posts will also be taken over by:
Alenka Bratušek for infrastructure,
- Klemen Boštjančič for Finance,
- Amalija Žakelj for education,
- Uroš Brežan for the protection of nature and the environment,
- Dominika Švarc Pipan for Justice,
- Sanja Ajanovič Hovnik for Public Administration,
- Matjaž Han for economy, tourism and sports.
Nekdanja predsednika vlade Marjan Šarec in Alenka Bratušek s svojima strankama LMŠ in SAB nista bila izvoljena v državni zbor. V vlado jih je povabilo Gibanje Svoboda.
Former Prime Ministers Marjan Šarec and Alenka Bratušek and their parties LMŠ and SAB were not elected to the National Assembly. They were invited to the government by the Freedom Movement.
Ta konec tedna se bodo dogovorili še za preostale ministrske kandidate, med drugim za digitalno preobrazbo, delo, kulturo in kmetijstvo.
This weekend, they will agree on the remaining ministerial candidates, including for digital transformation, labour, culture and agriculture.
Uskladili so že osnutek koalicijske pogodbe.
They have already agreed on a draft coalition agreement.
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