Slovene-English Dual Text: Goran Dragić, Zlati Kapetan

By , 04 Jul 2022, 16:51 PM How to Slovenia
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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Goran Dragić, zlati kapetan, bo morda še nastopil za reprezentanco

Goran Dragić, the golden captain, may still play for the national team

Written by Urban Sušnik, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Goran Dragić je proti Švedski, ki so jo Slovenci dobili z 84 : 81, odigral zadnjo reprezentančno tekmo.

Goran Dragić played his last national team match against Sweden, which the Slovenians won 84:81.

Tudi ob slovesu je pokazal, zakaj je eden najboljših košarkarjev.

Even with his farewell, he showed why he is one of the best basketball players.

Gogiju ni bilo vse položeno v zibelko. Do velikih uspehov je prišel s trdim delom, a ostal je skromen fant, ki je vedno poudarjal, da je le Gogi iz Kosez.

Not everything came easy [was laid in the cradle] for Gogi. He achieved great success through hard work, but he remained a humble boy who always emphasised that he was only Gogi from Kosez.

Ravno tam, kjer je igral košarko z bratom Zoranom, se je vse začelo.

It all started right there, where he played basketball with his brother Zoran.

Prve prave korake je napravil v klubu Slovan.

He took his first real steps in the club Slovan.

Pri dvajsetih pa se je prvič podal v tujino, v Španijo. Trener ni dovolil, da igralci govorijo angleško, zato se je znašel v težki situaciji. Preskočil je tudi to oviro. Ob večerih je v roke jemal knjigo in se naučil španskega jezika.

At the age of twenty, he ventured abroad for the first time, to Spain. The coach did not allow the players to speak English, so he found himself in a difficult situation. He jumped over that hurdle too. In the evenings, he picked up a book and learned the Spanish language.

Po vrnitvi v Olimpijo je navdušil poznavalce športa in svoje ime kmalu ponesel tudi v svet. V ligi NBA so se zanj prvi ogreli v ekipi Phoenix Suns.

After returning to Olympia, he impressed sports fans and soon took his name to the world. The Phoenix Suns were the first to warm up to him in the NBA.

Vse od takrat igra v najprestižnejši košarkarski ligi na svetu, redno pa je igral tudi za slovensko reprezentanco.

Ever since then, he has been playing in the most prestigious basketball league in the world, and he’s also regularly played for the Slovenian national team.

Zgodbo življenja je spisal leta 2017. Bil je kapetan reprezentance, ki je postala evropski prvak. Osvojil je tudi naslov najboljšega igralca prvenstva.

He wrote the story of his life in 2017. He was the captain of the national team that became the European champion. He also won the title of the best player of the championship.

Takrat je sklenil, da za reprezentanco ne bo več igral, a skoraj pet let kasneje se je premislil.

At that time, he decided that he would no longer play for the national team, but almost five years later he changed his mind.

Čeprav je trdil, da so tekme proti Italiji, Hrvaški in Švedski njegove zadnje, se zdi, da je zopet pustil malce priprta vrata za svojo vrnitev.

Although he claimed that the matches against Italy, Croatia and Sweden were his last, it seems that he has again left the door slightly open for his return.

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