Slovene-English Dual Text: Tadej Pogačar Je Na Dirki Po Franciji Osvojil Drugo Mesto

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Slovene-English Dual Text: Tadej Pogačar Je Na Dirki Po Franciji Osvojil Drugo Mesto YouTube

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Tadej Pogačar je na Dirki po Franciji osvojil drugo mesto

Tadej Pogačar won second place at the Tour de France

Written by Urban Sušnik, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Dirka po Franciji je največja kolesarska dirka v letu.

The Tour de France is the biggest cycling race of the year.

Letos je bila na sporedu že njena 109. izvedba, Danec Jonas Vingegaard pa je preprečil, da bi na njej še tretje leto zaporedoma slavil Tadej Pogačar.

This year was already its 109th edition, and the Dane Jonas Vingegaard stopped Tadej Pogačar from celebrating [a win] for the third year in a row.

Kolesarstvo je v Sloveniji zagotovo eden izmed najbolj priljubljenih športov. Več tisoč navijačev je v živo spodbujalo najboljše v tem športu.

Cycling is certainly one of the most popular sports in Slovenia. Thousands of fans cheered on the best in the sport live.

Vsi navijači so pred začetkom dirke želeli, da bi se za zmago znova borila Primož Roglič in Tadej Pogačar.

Before the start of the race, all the fans wanted Primož Roglič and Tadej Pogačar to fight for the victory again.

Prvi in drugi kolesar sveta sta bila pred začetkom dirke nesporna favorita, a v tem športu stvari velikokrat ne potekajo po pričakovanjih.

The number and number two cyclists in the world were undisputed favourites before the start of the race, but in this sport things often do not go as expected.

To dobro ve Primož Roglič. V 5. od 21. etap je grdo padel in kasneje odstopil.

Primož Roglič knows this well. In the 5th of the 21st stages, he crashed badly and later retired.

23-letnega Pogačarja pa je v boju za skupno zmago odločno izzval Jonas Vingegaard, Rogličev prijatelj iz ekipe Jumbo-Visma.

The 23-year-old Pogačar was decisively challenged in the battle for overall victory by Jonas Vingegaard, Roglic's friend from the Jumbo-Visma team.

Z izjemno ekipno premočjo je Danec premagal slovenskega šampiona, ki je na največji dirki v svojem tretjem nastopu prvič moral priznati premoč.

With exceptional team strength the Dane defeated the Slovenian champion, who had to admit defeat for the first time in his third appearance at the biggest race.

»Jonas me je malenkost presenetil. Celotna ekipa Jumbo-Visme je bila zelo močna in vse se jim je sestavilo. Jonas je res izjemno napredoval in si zasluži to zmago. Mi pa se bomo iz naših napak nekaj naučili in komaj čakam naslednje leto,« je športno priznal Pogačar.

"Jonas surprised me a little. The entire Jumbo-Visma team was very strong, and everything came together for them. Jonas has really improved tremendously and deserves this win. But we’ll learn something from our mistakes and I can't wait for next year," admitted Pogačar, sportingly.

Tudi ostali Slovenci so se borili po svojih najboljših močeh za odlične rezultate ali da bi pomagati svoji ekipi.

The other Slovenians also fought to the best of their ability for excellent results or to help their team.

Večkrat so nase opozorili tudi Luka Mezgec, Jan Tratnik in Matej Mohorič, ki so vsi uspešno pripeljali na cilj v Pariz.

Luka Mezgec, Jan Tratnik and Matej Mohorič also drew attention several times, and all successfully reached their destination in Paris.

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