Slovene-English Dual Text: Francozi So Svetovni Prvaki

By , 19 Jul 2018, 15:53 PM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Francozi So Svetovni Prvaki CC by 4.0

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Francozi So Svetovni Prvaki

The French Are World Champions

Written by Mojca Štruc, translated by JL Flanner

Zadnji mesec so bile oči svetovne javnosti uprte v Rusijo.

Last month, the eyes of the world’s public were turned to Russia.

Svetovno prvenstvo v nogometu pač velja za enega največjih športnih dogodkov na svetu.

The football World Cup is considered one of the biggest sports events in the world.

Tekmovanje je spremljalo ogromno navijačev. Mnogi so navijali na stadionih, še več ljudi pa je tekme spremljalo po televiziji.

The competition was followed by many fans. A lot were cheering on the stadiums, and more watched the matches on television.

Največ pozornosti so pritegnile tekme za najvišja mesta. V soboto sta se za tretje mesto pomerili ekipi Anglije in Belgije. Bronasto medaljo so osvojili Belgijci.

Most of the attention was drawn to the highest-ranked matches. On Saturday, the teams from England and Belgium played for third place. The bronze medal was won by the Belgians.

V finalni tekmi za prvo mesto pa sta se pomerili ekipi Francije in Hrvaške.

The final match for the first place was played by the teams from France and Croatia.

President of Croatia Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic at the final match of the 2018 World Cup.JPG

President of Croatia Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic at the final match of the 2018 World Cup. Photo:

Stadion v Rusiji, ki sprejme 80 tisoč ljudi, je bil nabito poln. Polne so bile tudi ulice na Hrvaškem in v Franciji. Navijači enih in drugih so upali na zmago.

The stadium in Russia, which accommodates 80,000 people, was packed full. There were also many crowded streets in Croatia and France. The fans of both teams hoped to win.

Slavili so Francozi. Hrvaško so premagali s 4 : 2.

The French were the ones who celebrated. They beat Croatia 4 : 2.

Francozi so že pred tekmo veljali za favorite, saj jih Hrvati še nikoli niso premagali. Poleg tega so v finalu svetovnega nogometnega prvenstva nastopili že tretjič, njihovi nasprotniki pa prvič.

Before the match, the French were the favorites, as the Croats had never beaten them. In addition, whle they were in the finals of the World Cup for the third time, their opponents were in it for the first.

A tekma je bila vseeno napeta. In treba je priznati, da so Hrvati dva gola prejeli po spletu nesrečnih okoliščin.

But the game was tense. And it should be noted that the Croats let in two goals due to some unlucky circumstances.

Francozi so tako že drugič postali svetovni prvaki v nogometu. Prvič so se naslova veselili pred 20 leti, leta 1998.

The French thus became football world champions for the second time. The first time they got the title was 20 years ago, in 1998.

Za nagrado so poleg pokala prejeli še približno 32 milijonov evrov.

In addition to the trophy, the price included 32 million euros.

Za najboljšega igralca letošnjega svetovnega prvenstva je bil izbran kapetan Hrvaške Luka Modrić, med vratarji je bil najboljši Belgijec Thibaut Courtois, najboljši mladi igralec pa je bil Francoz Kylian Mbappé.

The Croatian captain, Luka Modrić, was chosen as the best player of this year's World Cup, with regard to the goalkeepers the best was the Belgian Thibaut Courtois, while the best young player was the Frenchman Kylian Mbappé.

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