How to Use ATM in Slovenia

By , 10 Sep 2018, 21:40 PM How to Slovenia
How to Use ATM in Slovenia All photos by Neža Loštrek

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Withdrawing money and changing your PIN on a Slovenian-only ATM. 

10 September, 2018

Although several of the ATMs found in the tourist spots of downtown Ljubljana and some other locations across the country do have a language option before you start using them, most of them don’t.

Below you can find some basic ATM terms in Slovenian translated into English, which we hope will make your time here a bit easier.


So far so good, but after you have inserted your card, the initial translation ends.


Vpišite PIN – Enter your PIN

Za nadaljevanje izberite “potrditev” - Press “Potrditev/Enter” to continue


After your PIN has been entered, the screen offers various options, depending on your card.


Dvig – Withdrawal    

Stanje – Balance

Plačilo – Payment

Polog – Deposit

GSM – Prepaid phone card

PIN – Change PIN

Promet - Transactions                              


Only the Withdrawal, Balance Information, Deposit and Change PIN services were available for our second card.

We will use the first card to withdraw some money (dvig) and the second one to change our PIN.


Izberite – Choose

Drugo – Other (you will have to type in the amount if choosing this one)

To change your PIN choose “PIN”, then you get two options.


Upravljanje s PIN – PIN management

Sprememba – Change

Deblokacija – De-blocking

After choosing “change”, another window opens, asking us to enter a new PIN:


Vnesite nov pin in pritisnite “potrditev” – Enter a new PIN and press “Potrditev/Enter”

Za prekinitev izberite “prekinitev” – To cancel, press “Prekinitev/Cancel”

After you enter a new PIN, you’ll be asked to re-enter it.


Ponovno vnesite nov PIN in pritisnite “potrditev” – Enter the new PIN again and press “Potrditev/Enter”

postopek potekaprosimopocakajte.jpg

Postopek poteka – Processing

Prosimo, počakajte – Please wait


Uspešno ste spremenili PIN – You have successfully changed your PIN

Vzemite kartico – Take your card

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