Slovene-English Dual Text: Petarde? Ne, Hvala.

By , 28 Dec 2017, 10:12 AM How to Slovenia
Detail from Nina Tome's poster Detail from Nina Tome's poster

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here, along with a translation.

Petards? No thanks

Written by Dr. Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner

Praznični dnevi so čas, ko prižgemo svečke, iskrice in kdaj pa kdaj tudi petarde.

The holidays are a time when we light candles, sparklers, and sometimes also petards [like large firecrackers or bangers].

A petarde so od leta 2008 naprej prepovedane, ker so nevarne ljudem in živalim.

But petards have been banned since 2008, because they are dangerous for people and animals.

Njihov pok je za marsikoga neprijeten, zato so šole in mesta preplavili s plakati, ki pozivajo, naj med prazniki ne mečemo petard.

Their bang is unpleasant for many, and that's why schools and towns have been flooded with posters calling on us not to throw petards during the holidays.

Verjetno ste jih tudi vi opazili.

You must have noticed them too.


Urgoš Horvat's poster

V podjetju TAM-TAM so se pred petimi leti odločili, da bodo z domiselnimi mestnimi plakati opozorili na nepotrebnost pokanja.

Five years ago, at TAM-TAM [a company that makes posters for billboards], they decided to use posters on city billboards to highlight the fact that all these bangs are unnecessary.

»V pisarni nam družbo delata dve psički, tudi večina sodelavcev ima domače živali, zato smo se s to tematiko zlahka poistovetili. Pokanje je neprijetno že nam, kaj šele živalim, ki slišijo veliko bolje kot mi. Uporaba pirotehničnih sredstev moti tudi življenjski krogotok prostoživečih živali. Poleg tega uporaba petard vpliva na naše zdravje in onesnažuje okolje. Želimo si, da bi bili prazniki za nas in naše hišne ljubljenčke še lepši,« so povedali.

"There are two puppies in the office, and most of the staff have pets, so we could easily identify with this topic. It's unpleasant for us, let alone animals, who hear much better than we do. The use of petards also interferes with the lifecycle of wildlife. Moreover, the petards themselves affect our health and pollute the environment. We want the holidays to be even better for us and our pets,” the group said.


Zoran Smiljanić's poster

Letos so njihove plakate v stripu narisali štirje ilustratorji: Zoran Smiljanić, Uroš Horvat, Nina Tome in desetletna Ana Štular.

This year, their posters were drawn by four illustrators working in the medium of comic strips: Zoran Smiljanić, Urgoš Horvat, Nina Tome and ten-year-old Ana Štular.

Povabilu so se odzvali, ker tudi njim petarde kravžljajo živce. »Detonacij ne prenašam več, a jih toliko rajši narišem,« je denimo pojasnil Uroš Horvat.

They responded to the invitation [to create the posters] because petards also get on their nerves. "I do not tolerate such explosions anymore, but I draw them as much as I can," explained Uroš Horvat.


Ana Štular's poster

»Upam da je tale strip nekakšen gumb, s katerim bom malce utišal praznične spopade. Ker pokanje fino tanjša živce meni, jih mora kužkom še toliko bolj. Da ne govorim o papigah, muckih in seveda dojenčkih. Zares sem opazil pokanje šele takrat, ko sem imel v plenicah sina Gašperja. Njegov prvi december je bil nočna mora pokanja in dretja na ves glas. Zatorej: »Petarde? Ne, hvala.«

"I hope this comic works like a button, which will mute the festive bangs. Because firecrackers are bad for one’s nerves, and this action is even more important for dogs. This is not even talking about parrots, cats and of course babies. I really noticed the petards when my son, Gašper, was in diapers. His first December was a nightmare of bangs and screaming. Therefore: "Petards?" No thanks."

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Nina Tome's poster

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