Prešernove nagrade za največje umetnike
Prešeren awards for the greatest artists
Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner
O kulturi se zadnje čase veliko govori.
There has been a lot of talk about culture recently.
Ne zato, ker bi nenadoma vsi postali bolj kulturni. Niti ne zato, ker bi množično začeli obiskovati galerije, muzeje ali gledališke predstave ali ker bi nenadoma vzljubili umetnost.
Not because everyone suddenly would become more cultured. Nor because a lot of people have been visiting galleries, museums or theatre performances, or because they suddenly love art.
O kulturi se veliko govori, ker sta se v začetku letošnjega leta pripetila dva precej neljuba dogodka.
There is much talk about culture, because at the beginning of this year, there were two rather unfortunate events.
Prvi je povezan s krajo. Drugi pa z nasiljem.
The first is related to stealing. The other to violence.
Boris Kobal, gledališki režiser in dramatik, je namreč prevedel delo italijanskega dramatika Alda Nicolaja. Toda potem ni rekel, da ga je prevedel, ampak, da ga je sam napisal. Takšnemu ukradenemu delu se reče plagiat. In plagiati so kaznivi.
Boris Kobal, a theatre director and playwright, translated the work of the Italian playwright Aldo Nicolaj. But then he did not say that he had translated it, but that he had written it himself. This kind of theft is called plagiarism. And plagiarism is punishable.
Dejan Prešiček, minister za kulturo, pa je nedavno odstopil, ker so mu očitali, da kriči na svoje podrejene in jih trpinči. Takšnemu ravnanju se reče mobing. Poleg tega naj bi kršil tudi zakon, ker je z vozilom ministrstva prevažal inštrumente. To pa se ne sme.
Dejan Prešiček, Minister of Culture, recently resigned because he was accused of screaming at his subordinates and bullying them. Such behaviour us called mobbing. In addition, he allegedly broke the law because he transported some musical instruments using a Ministry vehicle. This is not allowed.
Mnogi ljubitelji kulture in umetnosti so v teh dneh opozarjali, da bi bilo lepo, če bi toliko besed kulturi namenili tudi druge dni v letu.
Many lovers of culture and art felt at this time that it would be nice if as many words were devoted to the word culture on other days of the year.
Kajti na področju kulture se dogaja tudi veliko lepega in dobrega.
Because in the field of culture, there is also a lot of that is beautiful and good.
Na predvečer kulturnega praznika bodo mnogo tega tudi posebej nagradili.
On the eve of a cultural holiday [Prešeren Day, 8 February], many will also be rewarded.
Podelili bodo namreč Prešernove nagrade in nagrade Prešernovega sklada. To so najvišja priznanja na področju umetnosti.
They will be given the Prešeren Prizes and Prešeren Fund awards. These are the highest awards in the field of art.
Prešernovo nagrado za življenjsko delo prejmeta kostumografka in scenografka Bjanka Adžić Ursulov in režiser Filip Robar Dorin.
The Prešeren Prize for Lifetime Achievement is costume designer and stage designer Bjanka Adžić Ursulov and director Filip Robar Dorin.
Za svoje ustvarjanje v zadnjih treh letih pa priznanja prejmejo pesnik Jure Jakob, dirigentka Martina Batič, skladatelj Tomaž Svete, igralka Maruša Majer, animator Dušan Kastelic ter arhitekta Aljoša Dekleva in Tina Gregorič Dekleva.
Jure Jakob, conductor Martina Batič, composer Tomaž Svete, actress Maruša Majer, animator Dušan Kastelic and architect Aljoš Dekleva and Tina Gregorič Dekleva receive awards for their creation in the last three years.
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