Slovene-English Dual Text: Opravičilo Predsednika Evropskega Parlamenta

By , 18 Feb 2019, 10:12 AM How to Slovenia
President Tajani President Tajani

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Opravičilo Predsednika Evropskega Parlamenta

Apology from the President of the European Parliament

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner

Včasih se je treba spominjati tudi stvari, ki niso lepe. V Evropi se pogosto spominjamo tragičnih dogodkov iz prve in druge svetovne vojne, ki se ne smejo ponoviti.

Sometimes you should also remember things that are not beautiful. In Europe, we often remember the tragic events of the First and Second World Wars that must not be repeated.

Tudi Evropska unija se je porodila iz želje po miru.

The European Union also emerged from a desire for peace.

Prav zato so mnoge Slovence in Hrvate, celo Italijane, močno vznemirile besede predsednika evropskega parlamenta, Italijana Antonia Tajanija.

That is why many Slovenes and Croats, even Italians, were very upset by the words of the President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani.

Na slovesnosti ob dnevu spomina na žrtve fojb v Bazovici, kjer se Italijani spominjajo umrlih med drugo svetovno vojno in po njej, je namreč izrekel besede: »Naj živi Trst, naj živi italijanska Istra, naj živi italijanska Dalmacija, naj živijo italijanski izgnanci.«

At a ceremony marking the day of remembrance for the victims of the foib in Bazovica, where the Italians remember the dead during and after the Second World War, he said: "Long live Trieste, long live Italian Istria, long live Italian Dalmatia, long live Italian’s who were expelled."

Tajani sicer ni bil edini italijanski politik, ki je ob tem dnevu spomina pozabil omeniti fašizem, zaradi katerega so trpeli in umrli številni Slovenci. A kot predsednik evropske ustanove ne bi smel dajati izjav, ki vodijo h krhanju odnosov med državami članicami.

Tajani was not the only Italian politician who, on this day of remembering, forgot to mention Fascism under which many Slovenes suffered and died. And as President of a European institution, he should not have made statements that could break the relations between member states.

Tajani se je sprva poskušal izmotati, da so ga narobe razumeli. Mnogi so mu na družabnih omrežjih sporočili, da ga niso.

Tajani initially tried to dismiss the issue by saying he was misunderstood. Many people told him on social networks that he was not.

Predsednik Borut Pahor je še na dogodku ob razpisu volitev poslancev v evropski parlament med drugim dejal: »Pričakujem, da se bo Tajani v celoti ogradil od svojih besed.«

President Borut Pahor, when speaking about the [upcoming] election of MEPs to the European Parliament, said, among other things: "I expect Tajani to completely reject his words."

Popoldne se je Tajani sestal s poslanci iz Slovenije in Hrvaške. Po sestanku je sporočil: »Iskreno obžalujem in se opravičujem, da sem uporabil besede, ki so morda užalile vaše državljane.«

In the afternoon, Tajani met with members from Slovenia and Croatia. After the meeting, he said: "I sincerely regret and apologise for using the words that may have offended your citizens."

Na koncu je še dodal: »Vse oblike totalitarizmov si zaslužijo odločno obsodbo, žrtve fašizma, nacizma in komunizma pa je treba obravnavati z enakim spoštovanjem.«

Finally, he added: "All forms of totalitarianism merit clear condemnation; victims of Fascism, Nazism and Communism must be treated with the same respect."

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