Kreator za Princeske
Creator for Princesses
Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner
Sam je nosil oblačila črne in bele barve.
He wore black and white clothes himself.
Toda oblačila, ki jih je ustvarjal, so bila lahko zelo barvita. Manekenke so se po modni brvi sprehajale v čudovitih kreacijah. Te so bile enkrat živo rdeče, drugič v barvi fuksije, tretjič bledo rožnate, četrtič sinjemodre.
But the clothes that he created could be very colourful. Models walked in beautiful creations along the catwalk. One time these were vividly red, another time fuchsia, a third time pale pink, the fourth blue.
Karl Lagerfeld je bil eden najbolj znanih modnih oblikovalcev minulega stoletja.
Karl Lagerfeld was one of the most famous fashion designers of the past century.
Umrl je v Parizu, star 85 let.
He died in Paris, 85 years old.
Številni modni poznavalci so se od njega poslovili z zapisi na družbenih omrežjih.
Many fashion insiders said farewell to him with posts on social networks.
Pevka Lily Allen je na Instagramu zapisala: »Zaradi tebe sem se počutila kot princeska.«
The singer Lily Allen wrote on Instagram: "Because of you I felt like a princess."
Najbrž ni bila edina.
She was probably not the only one.
Lagerfeld ni oblikoval le oblačil za ženske, ki lahko zanje porabijo veliko denarja.
Lagerfeld did not only design clothes for women who can spend a lot of money on them.
Bil je namreč prvi od številnih znanih modnih oblikovalcev, ki so oblikovali kolekcijo oblačil za H&M.
He was the first of many famous fashion designers to design a clothing collection for H&M.
Od leta 1983 je bil tudi kreativni direktor luksuzne modne hiše Chanel.
Since 1983 he was also the creative director of the luxury fashion house Chanel.
Ves ta čas je ustvarjal tudi oblačila pod svojo blagovno znamko: obleke, majice, hlače in celo bodije za dojenčke, otroke in mlade.
All this time he also created clothing under his own brand: clothes, t-shirts, trousers and even onesies for babies, children and youngsters.
Mladostna, a še vedno šik, brezčasna, a vendar moderna, so jih predstavili na spletni strani
Young, but still chic, timeless, but modern, there are presented on the website
Ta oblačila so seveda dražja od tistih, ki so bila na voljo leta 2004 v trgovinah H&M.
Of course, these clothes are more expensive than those that were available in 2004 in H&M stores.
Kdo ve, morda se tudi zaradi njih kakšno dekle počuti kot princeska.
Who knows, maybe some girls feel like a princess because of them.
Modni kreator je oseba, ki uresničuje svoje izvirne zamisli na področju mode.
A fashion designer is a person who realises their original ideas in fashion.
Šik pomeni čeden, urejen, eleganten.
Chic means good-looking, smart, elegant.
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