Slovene-English Dual Text: Rdečelasi Angleški Pevec

By , 13 Jan 2018, 13:54 PM How to Slovenia
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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here, along with a translation. 

Popolni Ed Sheeran

Perfect Ed Sheeran

Written by Dr. Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner

Če je bil hit lanskega poletja Despacito, je hit letošnje zime gotovo skladba Perfect.

If the hit of last summer was ‘Despacito’, this year's hit of the winter is definitely the song ‘Perfect’.

Malo je skladb, ki osvojijo srca tako otrok kot odraslih. Redkokatero pesem bosta na ves glas skupaj prepevali mati, ki je brez posluha, in hči, ki ima odličnega, pa to nobene od njiju ne bo posebej motilo.

There are few songs that capture the hearts of both children and adults. It’s a rare song that will be sung together by a mother who lacks perfect pitch, and a daughter with a great voice, and neither of them will be bothered.

Perfect je namreč popolna in prepričljiva ljubezenska pesem.

‘Perfect’ is a perfect and convincing love song.

Ed Sheeran je že vrsto let eden od najbolj priljubljenih pevcev na svetu. A s pesmijo Perfect – v slovenščino bi to prevedli kot Popolna – mu je uspelo, kar uspe le malokomu. Ustvaril je svetovno uspešnico, ki jo bomo poslušali še mnogo let.

Ed Sheeran has been one of the most popular singers in the world for many years. But with the song ‘Perfect’ – which in Slovene this would be translated as ‘Popolna’ – he succeeded, in a way that few can. He created a worldwide hit, which we will listen to for many years.

Rdečelasi angleški pevec, ki je po očetu irskega rodu, jo je napisal za svojo prvo ljubezen, dekle, ki jo je spoznal v srednji šoli. Z njo se je spet zbližal, ko jo je ponovno srečal v New Yorku.

The red-haired English singer, whose father is of Irish descent, wrote [the song] for his first love, a girl he met in high school. He get close to her again when they met in New York.

Ed Sheeran je za pisanje pesmi porabil zelo malo časa, nastala je zgolj v nekaj minutah. In takoj ko jo je napisal, je vedel, da bo nekaj posebnega, prav takšna ljubezenska pesem, kot si jo je želel.

Ed Sheeran needed very little time to write the song, only a few minutes. And as soon as he wrote it, he knew that it was something special, just the kind of love song he wanted.

Perfect se je uvrstila na vrh vseh pomembnih glasbenih lestvic na svetu. Ed Sheeran je nato posnel še dva dueta, prvega z ameriško pevko Beyoncé, drugega pa z italijanskim pevcem Andreom Bocellijem. Mnoge oboževalce sta še bolj očarala kot izvirnik.

‘Perfect’ has topped all the major music charts in the world. Ed Sheeran then recorded two duets of the song, the first with the American singer Beyoncé, and the second with the Italian singer Andrea Bocelli. Many fans found these even more enchanting than the original.

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