Šola za Srečo
School for Happiness
Written by Dr. Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner
Nočem v šolo! Ne maram šole!
I don’t want to go to school! I don’t like school!
Kolikokrat ste že izrekli te besede?
How many times have you said these words?
Najbrž velikokrat. In starši so vam potem najbrž pomodrovali, da je v šolo treba hoditi. Da življenje ni samo igra. In da je pametno najprej narediti tisto, kar moramo, da se potem lahko zabavamo.
Probably a lot. And then your parents probably advised you to go to school. That life is not just a game. And it's smart to do what we need first and then have fun.
Starši imajo prav. In njihova naloga je, da vam vse to povedo. In čisto zares je tako, da ne moremo biti nenehno srečni. Pa tudi ne bi bilo prav, če bi se vsi okoli nas nenehno trudili, da bi bili mi srečni. Ker če bi bilo tako, kdo bi se trudil zanje?
Parents are right. And their job is to tell you all this. And it's quite true that we cannot be constantly happy. It would not be right if everybody around us would always try to be happy. Because if they were, who would bother to work hard?
Najbolj srečni smo, če se znamo veseliti tudi majhnih stvari. Kajti če ves čas hlastamo po velikih, ki se nam zdijo pomembne, denimo da bomo slavni pevci ali igralci, youtuberji ali blogerji, smo lahko ves ta čas nesrečni.
We are the happiest if we are able to look forward to even small things. For if we are always grasping at big things which we consider important, such as becoming famous singers or actors, YouTubers or bloggers, we can be miserable the whole time.
Sreča je že to, da živimo v državi, kjer otroci najbolje živijo. Tako dobro se imajo samo še otroci na Norveškem.
Happiness is living in a country where children live the best. Only children in Norway live this well.
Srečo znamo ceniti, če smo bili kdaj tudi nesrečni.
We can only know good fortune if we have also been unhappy.
Najbolj znani po svoji sreči so Danci. »Skandinavci znajo ceniti majhne, hygge stvari v življenju, ker so za velike in pomembne že poskrbeli,« pravi Meik Wiking, direktor inštituta za srečo.
The [people] most known for their happiness are the Danes. “Scandinavians appreciate the small things in life, as in hygge, because they have already taken care of the big and important things," says Meik Wiking, director of the Institute for Happiness.
Ampak tudi otroci, ki pravite, da je šola bedna, imate po svoje prav. Vaše besede so ponekod že slišali.
But those children who say that school is no fun are right. Your words have already been heard in some places.
V šoli Willyja Hellpacha v nemškem mestu Heidelberg so prvi v državi uvedli šolski predmet sreča. Ravnatelja je namreč motilo, da se učenci dobro počutijo na počitnicah in doma, slabo pa pri zobozdravniku in v šoli.
Willy Hellpach School in Heidelberg, Germany, was the first school in the country to introduce classes on happiness. The principal was bothered that the students felts good on holiday and at home, but bad at the dentist and school.
Deset let pozneje imajo tak predmet že v mnogih drugih šolah.
Ten years later such classes are now in many other schools.
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