Slovene-English Dual Text: Že Odštevamo do Prižiga Lučk

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Že Odštevamo do Prižiga Lučk

We’re Already Counting Down to the Lights

Written by Sabina Lavrič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Preden zima razveseli s prvim snegom in še preden nastopi adventni čas, nas v decembrsko vzdušje popelje tradicionalni prižig lučk.

Before the winter hits with the first snow and before the arrival of Advent, we get into a December mood with the traditional atmosphere of the lights.

Danes pozno popoldan, na zadnji petek pred adventom, bo Ljubljana zažarela med bučnim odštevanjem zbrane množice.

Late this afternoon, on the last Friday before Advent, Ljubljana will light up along with sounds of the crowd gathered there.

Pred prižigom luči bo zbrane kot vsako leto nagovoril župan Zoran Janković. Delovati bodo začele tudi stojnice ob Ljubljanici in koncertna prizorišča z umetniškim programom za male in velike.

Mayor Zoran Janković will address the crowd before the lights come on. Also starting are stalls along the Ljubljanica River and concert venues with an art program for children and adults.

Na Kongresnem trgu bo zrasel Čarobni gozd, v katerem bodo najmlajši obiskovalci vsak dan ustvarjali pod zvezdnatim nebom. Zveni zares pravljično, mar ne?

There will be a Magic Forest in Congress Square, in which the youngest visitors will be creative every day under the starry sky. Sounds really fabulous, doesn't it?

Tudi zato je v prazničnem času Ljubljana polna obiskovalcev: tako domačinov kot tudi turistov iz različnih delov sveta.

That is why during the festive season Ljubljana is full of visitors: both locals and tourists from different parts of the world.

Naše glavno mesto ni edino, ki bo zažarelo v praznični okrasitvi. Pridružili se mu bodo še številni drugi kraji in naravni parki.

Our capital is not the only place that will glow with festive decoration. It will be joined by many other places and nature parks.

Rekordno število lučk bo zasvetilo v kraju številnih rož in cvetlic, v Mozirskem gaju, od koder so sporočili, da se jih bo prižgalo kar 1,5 milijona.

A record number of lights will brighten up in the place of many flowers in Mozirje Grove, with reports saying that as many as 1.5 million will be lit.

Nekaj tisoč se jih bo prižgalo tudi v parku Arboretum Volčji potok.

Several thousand will also be lit at the Volcji Potok Arboretum Park.

Že novembra bodo praznične lučke prižgali tudi v Celju, Mariboru in Kopru.

In November, holiday lights will also be lit in Celje, Maribor and Koper.

Ljubljansko okrasitev si je zamislil slovenski slikar Zmago Modic, ki jo je idejno načrtoval kar 20 let.

The Ljubljana decorations were designed by the Slovenian painter Zmago Modic, who has been working on them for 20 years.

V Kopru bodo lahko obiskovalci ob prižigu lučk drsali na največjem zunanjem drsališču v državi, ki bo merilo 850 kvadratnih metrov.

In Koper, visitors will be able to skate with the lights at the largest outdoor skating rink in the country, measuring 850 square meters,.

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