Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
V Zagrebu so se stresla tla
The ground shook in Zagreb
Written by Romana Šeruga translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Si se tudi ti, tako kot jaz, v nedeljo zjutraj navsezgodaj zbudila, ker si imela občutek, da se nekaj premika pod tvojo posteljo? In si potem spala naprej, prepričana, da se ti je to samo sanjalo?
Did you, like me, wake up early Sunday morning because you felt like something was moving under your bed? And then you slept on, sure you only dreamed it?
Tudi jaz sem si brezskrbno privoščila še urico spanca. Toda ob jutranji kavi sem ugotovila, da se mi ni sanjalo.
I also indulged in an hour of sleep without worry. But with morning coffee, I realized I had no dream.
»Danes ob 6.24 je potres z magnitudo 5,3 stresel Zagreb, čutili pa smo ga tudi v Sloveniji,« so poročali spletni portali.
"Today at 6:24, an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.3 shook Zagreb, and we also felt it in Slovenia," websites reported.
V hrvaškem glavnem mestu je močen potresni sunek poškodoval najmanj 17 ljudi, petnajstletna deklica je bila hudo ranjena.
In the Croatian capital, a powerful earthquake hurt at least 17 people and a 15-year-old girl was seriously injured.
Epicenter potresa je bil sedem kilometrov severno od Zagreba.
The epicenter of the quake was seven kilometres north of Zagreb.
Prebivalci so v strahu zbežali na ulice, med njimi tudi mamice z novorojenčki iz porodnišnice.
Residents fled the streets in fear, including midwives with newborns from the maternity ward.
Poškodovanih je veliko stavb, med njimi tudi bolnišnice, odlomil se je del zvonika zagrebške katedrale. V mestu je za nekaj časa zmanjkalo elektrike in vode.
Many buildings, including hospitals, were damaged and part of the bell tower of Zagreb Cathedral was broken. The city lacked electricity and water for a while.
»Ljudje stojijo na travnikih, številni sedijo v avtomobilih, saj nihče ne ve, kaj bo,« je prve vtise strnila Delova novinarka Zorana Baković.
"People are standing in the lawns, many are sitting in cars because nobody knows what will happen," were the first impressions of Delo journalist Zorana Baković.
V hladnem jutru so Zagrebčani dočakali še dva šibkejša popotresna sunka.
On a cold morning, the people of Zagreb experienced two weaker aftershocks.
Kljub naravni nesreči, ki jih je prizadela, niso smeli pozabiti na nevarnost širjenja novega koronavirusa in na pomen primerne varnostne razdalje do drugih ljudi.
Despite the natural disaster that struck them, the danger of the spread of the new coronavirus and the importance of an adequate safety distance from other people should not be forgotten.
Nedeljski potres je bil najhujši v zadnjih 140 letih v Zagrebu.
Sunday's earthquake was the worst in Zagreb in the last 140 years.
V Sloveniji se dobro spomnimo potresa leta 1998, ki je bil še močnejši. Velikonočni potres z magnitudo 5,6 je takrat prizadel Posočje.
In Slovenia, we remember well the 1998 earthquake, which was even stronger. The Easter earthquake with a magnitude of 5.6 affected the Soča Region.
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