Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Protesti so se iz ZDA razširili tudi po Evropi
Protests from the US also spread across Europe
Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Policisti so Georgea Floyda aretirali, ker naj bi hotel plačati s ponarejenim bankovcem. Če bi bil belec, ga policist za tak prekršek najverjetneje ne bi spravil na tla in mu nato s kolenom osem minut pritiskal na vrat, čeprav je govoril, da ne more dihati.
Police arrested George Floyd because he allegedly wanted to pay with a counterfeit banknote. If he were white, a police officer would most likely not put him on the ground for such an offense and then press his neck with his knee for eight minutes, even though he said he could not breathe.
Po njegovi smrti pa so se na ulice zgrnile množice, ki imajo dovolj rasizma in nasilja nad temnopoltimi. Ameriški časopis za otroke News-O-Matic poroča, da so temnopolti dvakrat pogosteje smrtne žrtve policistov kot belci.
After his death, however, crowds took to the streets and said enough with racism and violence against blacks. The American children's newspaper News-O-Matic reports that blacks are twice as likely to be killed by police officers as whites.
Večinoma miroljubni protesti se se ponekod sprevrgli v nasilne, zato so v nekaterih mestih uvedli policijsko uro. Predsednik Donald Trump je celo razmišljal, da bi na ulice poslal vojsko.
The mostly peaceful protests have turned violent in some places, so curfews were introduced in some cities. President Donald Trump even considered sending the army to the streets.
To se na srečo ni zgodilo.
Fortunately, this did not happen.
Protestnike v ZDA so podprli tudi v Evropi. V britanskem mestu Bristol so porušili spomenik trgovcu s sužnji, v Belgiji pa so s protesti opozarjali tudi na mračno preteklost te države. Pred mnogimi leti je namreč belgijski kralj Leopold II. sredi Afrike ustvaril zasebno kolonijo in prebivalce izkoriščal kot sužnje.
Protesters in the US were also supported in Europe. In the British city of Bristol, a monument to a slave trader was demolished, and in Belgium, protests also drew attention to the country's dark past. Many years ago, King Leopold II of Belgium created a private colony in the middle of Africa and exploited the population as slaves.
Kaj lahko naredite otroci, da bo rasizma manj? V News-O-Maticu svetujejo, da se o njem pogovarjate v šoli in s prijatelji, da veliko berete, da se seznanite z zgodovino in da postanete zavezniki tistih, ki potrebujejo vašo podporo.
What can children do to reduce racism? News-O-Matic advises you to talk about it at school and with friends, to read a lot, to get acquainted with history, and to become allies of those who need your support.
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