Slovene-English Dual Text: Z Novimi Ukrepi Nad Novi Koronavirus

By , 08 Oct 2020, 20:11 PM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Z Novimi Ukrepi Nad Novi Koronavirus maxpixel CC-by-0

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Z novimi ukrepi nad novi koronavirus

With new measures for the novel coronavirus

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Novi koronavirus se vse bolj širi. Vlada je zato pripravila nov nabor ukrepov, s katerimi želi preprečiti, da v bolnišnicah ne bi mogli pomagati vsem, ki potrebujejo zdravljenje.

The new coronavirus is spreading more and more. The government has therefore come up with a new set of measures to prevent hospitals from not being able to helping everyone in need of treatment.

Premier Janez Janša pravi, da bodo še naprej iskali načine, kako zajeziti širjenje virusa tako, da bo to čim manj prizadelo naše vsakdanje življenje.

Prime Minister Janez Janša says that they will continue to look for ways to curb the spread of the virus so that it will affect our daily lives as little as possible.

A takih ukrepov ni več veliko na voljo, saj že sedaj uporabljajo skoraj vse.

But such measures are no longer available, as they are already used by almost everyone.

A če se bo število okužb še povečevalo, bo vlada morala razglasiti epidemijo. To bi znova pomenilo strožje ukrepe.

But if the number of infections continues to rise, the government will have to declare an epidemic. This would again mean stricter measures.

Napovedal je, da bo vlada v prihodnjih dneh omejila strežbo v gostinskih lokalih, omejila število oseb v zaprtih javnih prostorih glede na velikost prostora (denimo v trgovinah, bankah in podobno) ter omejila zbiranje ljudi na največ deset. Predvidena je tudi prepoved obiskov v domovih za starejše in bolnišnicah, ponekod ta sicer že velja. Ukrepi naj bi začeli veljati v četrtek.

He announced that in the coming days the government will limit the service in restaurants, limit the number of people in enclosed public spaces according to the size of the space (for example in shops, banks and the like) and limit the gathering of people to a maximum of ten. A ban on visits to homes for the elderly and hospitals is also envisaged, but in some places it is already in force. The measures are expected to take effect on Thursday.

Če to ne bo dovolj, bi na voljo ostali le še ukrepi, kot so zapora posameznih občin, zaprtje gostinskih lokalov in športnih dvoran ter ustavitev nenujnih zdravstvenih storitev.

If this is not enough, only measures such as the closure of individual municipalities, the closure of restaurants and sports halls and the cessation of non-essential health services would remain available.

»Če bi število okuženih preseglo 140 na 100 tisoč prebivalcev v štirinajstih dneh ter bi bilo v bolnišnicah več kot 250 bolnikov, od teh več kot 50 na intenzivni negi, bi morali razglasiti epidemijo in sprejeti podobne ukrepe, ki smo jih sprejemali spomladi,« je posvaril.

"If the number of infected people exceeded 140 per 100,000 population in fourteen days and there were more than 250 patients in hospitals, of which more than 50 were in intensive care, we should declare an epidemic and take similar measures that we took in the spring," he said. warned.

Še vedno pa velja, da širjenje virusa lahko pomagamo zaustavljati, če se odgovorno obnašamo. Med najbolj učinkovitimi ukrepi, ki jih že vsi dobro poznamo, so še vedno vzdrževanje razdalje, redno umivanje rok ter kihanje in kašljanje v rokav.

However, it is still true that we can help stop the spread of the virus by behaving responsibly. Among the most effective measures we all already know well are still maintaining distance, washing your hands regularly, and sneezing and coughing into your sleeve.

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