Slovene-English Dual Text: Biden Obtožil Trumpa Napada Na Demokracijo

By , 12 Jan 2021, 20:26 PM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Biden Obtožil Trumpa Napada Na Demokracijo YouTube

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Biden obtožil Trumpa napada na demokracijo

Biden accused Trump of attacking democracy

Written by Romana Dobnikar Šeruga, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Dva tedna pred zaprisego novega ameriškega predsednika Joeja Bidna se je zgodilo nekaj nezaslišanega: privrženci predsednika Donalda Trumpa so vdrli v Kapitol, simbol ameriške demokracije.

Two weeks before the swearing-in of new US President Joe Biden, something unheard of happened: supporters of President Donald Trump stormed the Capitol, a symbol of American democracy.

V prostore, kjer je potekala seja kongresa, na kateri naj bi uradno razglasili rezultate novembrskih predsedniških volitev, je vdrlo najprej na stotine, nato na tisoče protestnikov, nekateri so bili oboroženi.

Hundreds, then thousands of protesters, some of them armed, stormed the premises where the congressional session was to officially announce the results of the November presidential election.

Izvoljeni predstavniki ljudstva so se poskrili po pisarnah, policisti in FBI pa so obkrožili poslopje.

Elected representatives of the people hid around the offices, and police and the FBI surrounded the building.

Razmere so se umirile pozno popoldne. V izgredih je umrlo pet ljudi, več deset so jih aretirali.

The situation calmed down late in the afternoon. Five people had died in the riots and dozens were arrested.

Kasneje so se politiki vrnili k delu in ob štirih zjutraj razglasili Bidna za zmagovalca volitev.

Later, politicians returned to work and declared Biden the winner of the election at four in the morning.

Ta je Trumpa obtožil, da je »sprožil popoln napad na demokracijo«.

He accused Trump of "launching a complete attack on democracy."

Mnogi ameriški politiki Trumpa pozivajo, naj prevzame odgovornost, saj je ščuval privržence k napadu na demokracijo. Nekateri celo menijo, da ga je treba predčasno odstraniti s predsedniškega mesta.

Many U.S. politicians are urging Trump to take responsibility, as he has urged supporters to attack democracy. Some even believe he should be removed from the presidency early.

Zaradi podpore izgrednikom so do nadaljnjega blokirali tudi njegova računa na Facebooku in Instagramu.

Due to support for the rioters, his Facebook and Instagram accounts were also blocked until further notice.

Ker je imel Trump blokiran tudi dostop do Twitterja, si je sposodil račun enega od sodelavcev in prek njega kmalu po izgredih obljubil »mirno predajo« oblasti. Takoj zatem pa je dodal, da se »sploh ne strinja z izidom

Because Trump was also blocked from accessing Twitter, he borrowed an account from one of his associates and promised to "peacefully hand over" power soon after the riots. Immediately afterwards, however, he added that he “does not agree with the outcome at all”.

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