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Meta Hrovat za zaključek sezone na tretjem mestu
Meta Hrovat in third place for the end of the season
Written by Sabina Lavrič translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Najboljši alpski smučarji in smučarke sveta so si na finalu svetovnega pokala v Lenzerheideju v Švici razdelili kristalne globuse.
The best alpine skiers in the world shared crystal globes at the World Cup final in Lenzerheide, Switzerland.
Smučar in smučarka, ki ob koncu sezone svetovnega pokala osvojita največ točk, dobita veliki kristalni globus. Najboljši v posameznih disciplinah – slalomu, veleslalomu, superveleslalomu in smuku – pa prejmejo mali kristalni globus.
The skier who has the most points at the end of the World Cup season gets a big crystal globe. The best in individual disciplines - slalom, giant slalom, super-giant slalom and downhill - receive a small crystal globe.
Velika kristalna globusa sta letos visoko v zrak dvignila Slovakinja Petra Vlhova in Francoz Alexis Pinturault.
Large crystal globes were lifted high into the air this year by Slovakia's Petra Vlhova and France's Alexis Pinturault.
Pinturault je osvojil tudi mali kristalni globus v veleslalomu. Najboljša veleslalomistka sezone je medtem postala Italijanka Marta Bassino.
Pinturault also won the small crystal globe in the giant slalom. The best giant slalom skier of the season, meanwhile, was Italian Marta Bassino.
V slalomu, kjer morajo smučarji in smučarke obvladovati hitre in kratke zavoje, sta mala kristalna globusa dobila Avstrijca – Marco Schwarz in Katharina Liensberger.
In the slalom, where skiers have to master fast and short turns, the small crystal globes were won by the Austrians - Marco Schwarz and Katharina Liensberger.
Bitko za mala kristalna globusa v smuku in superveleslalomu so dobili Švicar Beat Feuz in Italijanka Sofia Goggia ter Švicarka Lara Gut Behrami in Avstrijec Vincent Krichmayr.
The battle for the small crystal globes in downhill and super-giant slalom was won by Swiss Beat Feuz and Italian Sofia Goggia, as well as Swiss Lara Gut Behrami and Austrian Vincent Krichmayr.
Tudi slovenski navijači so bili ta konec tedna lahko zadovoljni. Alpska smučarka Meta Hrovat je namreč na zadnjem veleslalomu sezone dosegla tretje mesto!
Slovenian fans could also be satisfied this weekend. Alpine skier Meta Hrovat finished third in the last giant slalom of the season!
Meta pravi, da je za njo težka sezona, polna vzponov in padcev. Ampak z uvrstitvijo na stopničke bo lahko zadovoljna odšla na počitnice.
Meta says it’s a tough season for her, full of ups and downs. But by placing on the podium, she will be able to go on vacation satisfied.
»Velikokrat sem se morala pobrati, včasih nisem vedela, kako se bom. A sem se in sezono zaključila na zelo lep način,« je povedala 23-letnica, ko se je razveselila svojega četrtega tretjega mesta v svetovnem pokalu.
“Many times I had to pick myself up, sometimes I didn’t know how I was going to pick myself up. But I ended the season in a very nice way," said the 23-year-old, as she rejoiced at her fourth third place in the World Cup.
Sezona v smučarskih skokih se bo sklenila prihodnji konec tedna – fantje bodo tradicionalno tekmovali v Planici, dekleta v Čajkovskem v Rusiji.
The ski jumping season will end next weekend - the boys will traditionally compete in Planica, the girls in Chaykovsky in Russia.
Zelo napeto bo, saj je Nika Križnar na predzadnjih tekmah osvojila drugo in tretje mesto ter ima rumeno majico!
It will be very tense, as Nika Križnar won second and third places in the penultimate matches and has the yellow jersey!
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