Slovene-English Dual Text: Nov Semafor Protikoronskih Ukrepov

By , 12 Apr 2021, 13:54 PM How to Slovenia
'Semafor' means traffic lights in Slovenian 'Semafor' means traffic lights in Slovenian, draconianimages CC-by-0

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Nov semafor protikoronskih ukrepov

New traffic light system for anti-corona measures

Written by Sandra Hanžič translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Epidemija ne bo več omejevala pouka. Vsaj ne v tolikšni meri, kot ga je v zadnjem letu.

The epidemic will no longer limit lessons. At least not to the extent it has in the last year.

Vlada je sprejela nov semafor, ki s ponedeljkom sprošča in omogoča družbeno življenje, je sporočil zdravstveni minister Janez Poklukar.

The government has adopted a new traffic light system, which on Monday relaxes and enables social life, said Health Minister Janez Poklukar.

Nekaterim otrokom bodo tako omogočili, da šolsko leto zaključijo v učilnici.

Because of this some children will be allowed to finish the school year in the classroom.

V črni fazi, ki predvideva veliko število okuženih in hospitaliziranih zaradi koronavirusa, bodo po novem odprti vrtci, šole pa bodo odprte za prvo triado in otroke s posebnimi potrebami. Omejeno bo deloval še potniški promet, možne bodo brezkontaktne zunanje športne aktivnosti.

In the black phase, which envisages a large number of infected and hospitalized due to the coronavirus, kindergartens will now be open, and schools will be open for the first triad and children with special needs. There will be some limits on public transport, and contactless outdoor sports activities will be possible.

V malce manj strožji rdeči fazi bodo odprte še srednje šole, in sicer po modelu C. Zaključni letniki bodo ves čas fizično na šoli. Možno bo obiskati knjižnico, glasbeno šolo in ure baleta. Policijska ura bo odpravljena.

In the slightly less strict red phase, secondary schools will be opened, according to model C. The final years will be in person at all times. It will be possible to visit the library, music school and ballet classes. Curfew will be lifted.

V oranžni fazi se bodo lahko na fakultete vrnili tudi študenti, dovoljeno bo gibanje med regijami.

In the orange phase, students will also be able to return to their faculties, and movement between regions will be allowed.

V rumeni fazi bodo srednje šole in fakultete odprte brez omejitev.

In the yellow phase, high schools and colleges will be open without restrictions.

Kot je poudaril Poklukar, v vseh fazah spodbujajo prostovoljno samotestiranje dijakov in študentov.

As Poklukar noted, in all phases they encourage voluntary self-testing of high school and university students.

“Ni večjih zadržkov, da ne bi mogli pravilno in zadostno uvesti samotestiranja. Samotestiranje je načrtovano 16. aprila. V naslednjih tednih bo ta metoda iz dneva v dan imela več privržencev med starši, otroki, učitelji in ravnatelji. Verjamem, da smo tako zrela družba, da tako resnih javnozdravstvenih ukrepov ni treba predpisati z dekretom.”

“There are no major uncertainties about not being able to properly and sufficiently introduce self-testing. Self-testing is scheduled for April 16th. In the coming weeks, this method will have more users day by day among parents, children, teachers and principals. I believe that we are such a mature society that such serious public health measures do not need to be prescribed by decree.”

Dijaki in učenci tretje triade bodo samotestiranje izvajali v šoli.

Pupils and students of the third triad will conduct self-testing at school.

Nošenje mask ne bo več obvezno na vseh javnih prostorih, pač pa le tam, kjer ne bo mogoče zagotoviti dovolj razdalje.

Wearing masks will no longer be mandatory in all public places, but only where sufficient distance cannot be maintained.

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