Slovene-English Dual Text: Tadej Pogačar Drugič Zapored Kralj Dirke Po Franciji

By , 19 Jul 2021, 16:54 PM How to Slovenia
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Tadej Pogačar drugič zapored kralj dirke po Franciji

Tadej Pogačar is the king of the Tour de France for the second time in a row

Written by Sabina Lavrič translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Danes si lahko nadeneš kaj rumenega v čast vrhunskim kolesarjem, ki so včeraj zaključili tritedensko kolesarsko dirko po Franciji!

Today you can wear something yellow in honour of the top cyclists who finished the three-week cycling race in France yesterday!

Zmagovalec Tour de Francea je postal 22-letni kolesar s Klanca pri Komendi Tadej Pogačar.

A 22-year-old cyclist from Klanac near Komenda, Tadej Pogačar, became the winner of the Tour de France.

Lani je na zaključnem kronometru premagal Primoža Rogliča, letos pa je bil vodilni kolesar že nekaj etap.

Last year he defeated Primož Roglič in the final chronometer, and this year he was the leading cyclist for several stages.

Majico vodilnega je oblekel po 8. etapi in jo obdržal vse do parade šampionov v Parizu.

He wore the leader's shirt after the 8th stage and kept it until the parade of champions in Paris.

Drugi so stiskali zobe, on pa je z nasmeškom premagoval najtežje klance. Vsaj zdelo se je tako. V resnici je zelo trpel.

Others gritted their teeth, but he overcame the most difficult slopes with a smile. At least it seemed so. In fact, he suffered greatly.

Dve zaporedni zmagi v Pirenejih sta mu poleg rumene prinesli še pikčasto majico najboljšega hribolazca, kar je bil že na lanskem Touru. Znova je oblekel tudi belo majico najboljšega mladega kolesarja.

Two consecutive victories in the Pyrenees brought him, in addition to the yellow one, the polka dot shirt of the best mountaineer, which he already had on last year's Tour. He also wore the white shirt of the best young cyclist again.

Tadej je z drugimi kolesarji v treh tednih prekolesaril okrog 3400 kilometrov.

Tadej cycled around 3,400 kilometers with other cyclists in three weeks.

Od 21 etap sta jih kar pet osvojila Slovenca! Tadej je zmagal na kronometru in dvakrat zapored v Pirenejih. Dve zmagi je dosegel tudi Matej Mohorič. Ob koncu prvega tedna je zmagal na najzahtevnejši in skupno tudi najdaljši etapi, dolgi kar 249,1 kilometra.

Out of 21 stages, five Slovenians won! Tadej won the chronometer and twice in a row in the Pyrenees. Matej Mohorič also achieved two victories. At the end of the first week, he won the most demanding and also the longest stage, 249.1 kilometres long.

Na Touru smo letos navijali še za Primoža Rogliča in Luko Mezgeca.

On the Tour this year, we also cheered for Primož Roglič and Luka Mezgec.

Vsi štirje zastopajo Slovenijo, a tekmujejo v različnih ekipah. Tadej tekmuje za UAU Team Emirates, Matej za Bahrain Victorious, Luka za BikeExchange in Primož za ekipo Jumbo-Visma.

All four represent Slovenia, but compete in different teams. Tadej competes for UAU Team Emirates, Matej for Bahrain Victorious, Luka for BikeExchange and Primož for Jumbo-Visma.

Primož je zaradi padcev tekmovanje zaključil kmalu po začetku Toura. Njegove poškodbe so bile tako hude, da ni mogel nadaljevati.

Due to the falls, Primož finished the competition soon after the start of the Tour. His injuries were so severe that he could not continue.

»Čas je, da se pozdravim in osredotočim na nove cilje,« se je sprijaznil Roglič. V mislih je že pri olimpijskih igrah, ki se začnejo že zelo kmalu.

"It's time to say goodbye and focus on new goals," Roglič agreed. He is already thinking about the Olympics, which are starting very soon.

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