Slovene-English Dual Text: 11. September, Dan, Ki Je Spremenil Svet

By , 13 Sep 2021, 16:29 PM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: 11. September, Dan, Ki Je Spremenil Svet Photo: Robert J. Fisch CC-by-SA-2.0

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

11. september, dan, ki je spremenil svet

September 11, the day that changed the world

Written by Romana Dobnikar Šeruga, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Ko govorimo o 11. septembru, imamo v mislih 11. september 2001. Na ta dan je v ZDA prišlo do terorističnega napada, ki je pretresel ne samo Američane, ampak ves svet.

When we talk about 11 September, we have 11 September 2001 in mind. On that day, there was a terrorist attack in the US that shook not only Americans, but the whole world.

Na torkovo jutro pred dvajsetimi leti so teroristi ugrabili štiri letala. Prvo je ob 8.46 uri po krajevnem času trčilo v severni stolp, drugo pa četrt ure zatem v južni stolp Svetovnega trgovinskega centra. Stolpnici sta se podrli v dimu in ognju, ki je gorel še sedem dni.

On Tuesday morning twenty years ago, terrorists hijacked four planes. The first collided with the north tower at 8.46 am local time, and the second quarter of an hour later with the south tower of the World Trade Center. The skyscrapers collapsed in smoke and fire that burned for another seven days.

Tretje ugrabljeno letalo se je zaletelo v Pentagon, poslopje ameriškega obrambnega ministrstva v Washingtonu. Četrto je pilot namenoma usmeril tako, da je strmoglavilo v bližini mesta Pittsburgh, ne da bi se zaletelo v določeni cilj.

A third hijacked plane crashed into the Pentagon, a U.S. Department of Defense building in Washington. The fourth, the pilot deliberately steered so that it crashed near the city of Pittsburgh without crashing into a specific target.

Za napade je bila odgovorna teroristična skupina Al Kaida pod vodstvom Osame bin Ladna. Deset let kasneje so ga specialne enote ameriške vojske odkrile v Pakistanu in ga ubile.

The terrorist group Al Qaeda, led by Osama bin Laden, was responsible for the attacks. Ten years later, he was discovered and killed by US military special forces in Pakistan.

Ob deseti obletnici so na mestu, kjer sta nekoč stala »dvojčka«, kot so rekli newyorškima stolpnicama, odprli spominski park.

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary, a memorial park was opened on the site where the "twins" once stood, as the New York high-rises were called.

Na dvajseto obletnico se bodo tragičnega dogodka spomnili z glasnim branjem imen žrtev. Ta so zapisana na marmornih ploščah ob dveh bazenih, ki sta na mestu, kjer sta nekoč stali stolpnici.

The twentieth anniversary will be commemorated by reading the names of the victims aloud. These are written on marble slabs next to two pools, which are on the site where the high-rises once stood.

Dogodki 11. septembra 2001 so spremenili Ameriko in ves svet.

The events of September 11, 2001, changed America and the world.

V ZDA so po napadu ustanovili posebno ministrstvo za domovinsko varnost, ki pri iskanju teroristov lahko omeji svoboščine državljanov.

In the United States, a special Department of Homeland Security was set up after the attack, which can restrict citizens' freedoms in the search for terrorists.

V strahu pred novimi terorističnimi napadi so po svetu uvedli stroge varnostne ukrepe, na primer na letališčih.

Fearing new terrorist attacks, strict security measures have been introduced around the world, for example at airports.

Toda v vojni proti terorizmu je težko zmagati. Po 11. septembru 2001 se je zgodilo še več terorističnih napadov, v katerih je umrlo na stotine nedolžnih ljudi.

But the war on terror is hard to win. Since 9/11, there have been even more terrorist attacks in which hundreds of innocent people have died.

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