Slovene-English Dual Text: Kmalu Bodo Zažarele Praznične Lučke

By , 28 Nov 2021, 20:33 PM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Kmalu Bodo Zažarele Praznične Lučke Oleg Brovko CC-by-SA-2.0

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Kmalu bodo zažarele praznične lučke

Festive lights will be on soon

Written by Sandra Hanžič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Le še nekaj dni nas loči do veselega decembra in kmalu bo tu tudi prva adventna nedelja. V številnih krajih po Sloveniji se pripravljajo na prižig lučk.

Only a few more days separate us until merry December, and soon the first Sunday of Advent will be here as well. In many places in Slovenia, they are preparing to turn on the lights.

V Ljubljani in Mariboru jih bodo prižgali že jutri, drugod jim bodo kmalu sledili.

They will be lit in Ljubljana and Maribor tomorrow [26 November], and will soon be followed elsewhere.

Poleg tradicionalnih meteoritov in lampijončkov bodo v Ljubljani postavili še približno 850 skulptur in 50 kilometrov dolgo svetlobno verigo.

In addition to traditional meteorites and lanterns, about 850 sculptures and a 50-kilometer-long light chain will be erected in Ljubljana.

Mesto bo krasilo tudi deset smrek in 79 »zelenih« dreves, ki jih bodo po praznikih vrnili naravi. Največja smreka že stoji na Prešernovem trgu. Visoka je 15 metrov in tehta 3 tone.

The city will also be adorned with ten spruces and 79 "green" trees, which will be returned to nature after the holidays. The largest spruce is already standing on Prešeren Square. It is 15 meters high and weighs 3 tons.

Drevesa na Wolfovi ulici bodo pomagali okrasiti učenci bližnjih šol.

The trees on Wolfova ulica will be decorated with the help of students of nearby schools.

Tudi ti lahko pomagaš krasiti Ljubljano: in sicer gozdičke na Stritarjevi (od Prešernovega trga do Mestne hiše) in Čopovi ulici (od Prešernovega trga proti Slovenski cesti). Pri tem na občini pozivajo, da ne kupuj novih okraskov, ampak uporabi tiste, ki jih že imaš doma.

You can also help decorate Ljubljana: namely the woods on Stritarjeva (from Prešeren Square to the Town Hall) and Čopova ulica (from Prešeren Square towards Slovenska cesta). In doing so, the municipality urges you not to buy new ornaments, but to use the ones you already have at home.

Na bližnjem Gallusovem nabrežju bodo spet stale jaslice iz slame v naravni velikosti. Le malenkost večje so od otrok.

Life-size straw cribs will once again stand on the nearby Gallus Embankment. They are only slightly larger than children.

Praznično okrasitev je tretjič zapored načrtoval arhitekt Urban Modic. Kakšne novosti je pripravil?

The festive decoration was planned for the third time in a row by the architect Urban Modic. What innovations has he prepared?

Tristrano piramido na Prešernovem trgu, z lučkami povezana drevesa ob Ljubljanici in okrasitev od Vodnikovega trga do Cukrarne.

The three-sided pyramid on Prešeren Square, trees connected with lights along the Ljubljanica, and decorations from Vodnikov trg to Cukrarna.

Na silvestrovo bo mesto razsvetlil petminutni ekološki ognjemet. Lani pa je ognjemet odpadel zaradi epidemije.

On New Year's Eve, the city will be lit by a five-minute ecological fireworks display. Last year, however, the fireworks were called off due to an epidemic.

V Mariboru bodo zaradi negotovih razmer prižig lučk posneli in predvajali na spletu. Hkrati bodo jutri odprli Vilinsko mesto, v katerem bodo ob koncih tedna ustvarjalne delavnice in predstave za otroke.

Due to the uncertain situation in Maribor, the lighting of the lights will be recorded and broadcast online. At the same time, they will open the Fairy Town tomorrow, where there will be creative workshops and performances for children on weekends.

V Kopru, kjer bodo lučke prižgali dan kasneje, prav tako pripravljajo mnoge dejavnosti za otroke: Miklavžev in božični sejem in gledališke predstave. Postavili so tudi drsališče.

In Koper, where the lights will be turned on a day later, they are also preparing many activities for children: St. Nicholas and the Christmas Fair and theatre performances. They also set up an ice rink.

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