Slovene-English Dual Text: Hov Hov, Se Slišimo?

By , 07 Dec 2021, 12:03 PM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Hov Hov, Se Slišimo?, Gasanov Igor CC-by-0

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Hov hov, se slišimo?

Woof, woof, can we hear you?

Written by Dora Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Kakšno veselje prevzame psa, ko se njegov lastnik vrne domov, čeprav je bil zdoma denimo samo eno uro!

What a joy it is for a dog when their owner returns home, even if he has only been away for an hour, for example!

Psi čas dojemajo drugače kot mi, zato se jim lahko zdi ena ura dolga celo večnost.

Dogs perceive time differently than we do, so one hour may seem like an eternity.

Čas, ko lastnika ni doma, je še posebej težek za pse, ki so lastnika dobili med epidemijo. Zaradi množičnega zaprtja so bili namreč ves čas z lastnikom, zdaj, ko ljudje zopet hodimo v službo in šolo, pa lahko manj časa preživimo z našimi kosmatimi prijatelji.

The time when their owner is not at home is especially difficult for dogs who got their owner during the epidemic. Due to the lockdown, they were with their owner all the time, and now that people are going to work and school again, we can spend less time with our furry friends.

Pes, ki je bil prej vajen človeške družbe, lastnika toliko bolj pogreša.

A dog that was previously accustomed to human company misses its owner all the more.

Raziskovalka in pasjeljubka Ilyena Hirskyj-Douglas se je zato domislila rešitve. To je pasji telefon (Dog Phone), prek katerega lahko pes pokliče lastnika.

Researcher and dog lover Ilyena Hirskyj-Douglas thus came up with a solution. This is a dog phone through which a dog can call their owner.

Ko se senzor v žogi premakne, sproži videoklic na računalniku. Sporazumevanje je obojestransko, saj tudi lastnik lahko pokliče psa.

When a sensor in the ball moves, it triggers a video call on the computer. Communication is mutual, as the owner can also call the dog.

Raziskovalka je pasji telefon preizkušala s svojim 10-letnim labradorcem Zachom, ki jo je proti koncu klical že petkrat na dan.

The researcher tested the dog phone with her 10-year-old Labrador Zach, who called her five times a day towards the end.

Marsikateri klic, ki ga je Zach opravil, se je najverjetneje zgodil nehote. Enkrat jo je denimo poklical, ker je ponesreči premaknil žogico, ko je iskal igrače v svoji posteljici.

Many of the calls Zach made most likely happened unintentionally. He called her once, for example, because he accidentally moved the ball while looking for toys in his crib.

A ko ga je poklicala ona, se je le redko javil. Da lahko o tem pes sam odloča, je prednost naprave.

But when she called him, he rarely answered. The fact that the dog can decide for himself is an advantage of the device.

»Lastnik lahko spremlja, kje je pes, ga pokliče ali nahrani na daljavo. Toda vse je odvisno od lastnika in pes pri tem nima nobene izbire,« pojasnjuje Ilyena Hirskyj-Douglas.

“The owner can monitor where the dog is, call him or feed him remotely. But it all depends on the owner and the dog has no choice, ”explains Ilyena Hirskyj-Douglas.

»Sedaj ima lahko tudi pes izbiro. Čeprav morda ne razumemo njegove odločitve, to ne pomeni, da se ne bi smel odločati.«

“Now the dog can also have a choice. Although we may not understand his decision, this does not mean that he should not make a decision. "

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