Slovene-English Dual Text: Dinozavrsko Jajce Razkrilo Skrivnosti Razvoja Ptic Iz Dinozavrov

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Slovene-English Dual Text: Dinozavrsko Jajce Razkrilo Skrivnosti Razvoja Ptic Iz Dinozavrov YouTube

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Dinozavrsko jajce razkrilo skrivnosti razvoja ptic iz dinozavrov

A dinosaur egg has revealed the secrets of the development of birds from dinosaurs

Written by Dora Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Dinozavri vedno znova burijo domišljijo otrok in znanstvenikov. V Veliki Britaniji se denimo te dni ukvarjajo z odkritjem velikanskega fosila ihtiozavra.

Dinosaurs always stir the imagination of children and scientists. In the UK, for example, they are currently working on the discovery of a giant ichthyosaur fossil.

Na Kitajskem pa so nedavno znanstveniki odkrili neverjetno ohranjeno jajce z zarodkom dinozavra, staro kar 66 milijonov let!

In China, however, scientists have recently discovered an amazingly preserved dinosaur embryo egg that is 66 million years old!

Izkopali so ga že leta 2000, vendar so ga najprej shranili v muzeju. Posvetili so se mu šele, ko so začeli razvrščati shranjene fosile.

It was excavated as early as 2000, but was first stored in a museum. They started working on it only when they began to sort the stored fossils.

Dinozavra so poimenovali Baby Yingliang po muzeju, v katerem je bil hranjen.

The dinosaur was named Baby Yingliang, after the museum where it was kept.

Znanstveniki sklepajo, da je ostal nepoškodovan zaradi zemeljskega plazu, ki ga je zaščitil pred zunanjimi vplivi.

Scientists conclude that it remained unharmed due to a landslide that protected it from external influences.

Plaz ga je prekril v trenutku, ko se je začel pripravljati na izvalitev. Glavo je postavil pod telo, razširil noge in ukrivil hrbet, kar spominja na izvalitev pri kokoši, kot jo poznamo danes.

The landslide covered it the moment it began to prepare to hatch. It placed its head under its body, spread his legs and bent it back, reminiscent of hatching in chickens as we know it today.

To odkritje bo raziskovalcem pomagalo pri podrobnejšemu raziskovanju sorodstva med pticami in dinozavri.

This discovery will help researchers investigate the kinship between birds and dinosaurs in more detail.

Dinozavra so uvrstili med oviraptorozavre. To je skupina dinozavrov s perjem, ki je bila v pozni kredi razširjena v Aziji in Severni Ameriki.

The dinosaur was classified as an oviraptor. This is a group of feathered dinosaurs that was widespread in the Late Cretaceous in Asia and North America.

Zarodek je od glave do repa meril le 27 centimetrov. Če bi dočakal odraslo dobo, bi najverjetneje dosegel dolžino dveh ali treh metrov, prehranjeval pa bi se z rastlinami.

The embryo measured only 27 centimetres from head to tail. If it reached adulthood, it would most likely reach a length of two or three meters, and would feed on plants.

Del njegovega telesa je še vedno prekrit s kamnom. Raziskovalci bodo uporabili napredne tehnike skeniranja, da bodo lahko ustvarili celotno sliko njegovega okostja.

Part of its body is still covered with stone. Researchers will use advanced scanning techniques to be able to create a complete picture of its skeleton.

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