Slovene-English Dual Text: V Plečnikovem Letu Se Spominjamo Njegove Izjemne Arhitekture

By , 07 Feb 2022, 13:34 PM How to Slovenia
St Michael's Church St Michael's Church Mueffi CC-by-SA-4.0

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V Plečnikovem letu se spominjamo njegove izjemne arhitekture

In Plečnik's year we remember his exceptional architecture

Written by Sandra Hanžič,  translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Letošnje leto bodo zaznamovali različni dogodki in obletnice. To bo med drugim olimpijsko leto, leto evropske mladine, doma pa tudi Tartinijevo in Plečnikovo leto.

This year will be marked by various events and anniversaries. This will be, among other things, the Olympic Year, the Year of European Youth, and the Tartini and Plečnik Years at home.

Vlada ga je razglasila, ker praznujemo 150-letnico rojstva arhitekta Jožeta Plečnika.

The government has announced it because we are celebrating the 150th anniversary of the birth of the architect Jože Plečnik.

Živel je v Ljubljani, a njegove zgradbe najdemo po vsej Sloveniji.

He lived in Ljubljana, but his buildings can be found all over Slovenia.

Ustvarjal je še na Dunaju in v Pragi, kjer je študiral, delal in poučeval.

He also created in Vienna and Prague, where he studied, worked and taught.

Njegovih del takrat niso razumeli, očitali so mu celo, da je staromoden. Navdih zanje je namreč iskal v antiki pri Grkih in Rimljanih.

His works were not understood at the time, he was even accused of being old-fashioned. He sought inspiration for them in antiquity, from the Greeks and Romans.

Elemente, značilne za ta čas – stebre, piramide, krogle, loke –, lahko opazimo v skoraj vseh njegovih delih.

Elements characteristic of this time - pillars, pyramids, spheres, arches - can be seen in almost all his works.

Danes vemo, da je bil kreativen, inovativen in napreden za svoj čas, pravijo Tina Silič, Barbara Viki Šubic in Tina Gradišer s Centra arhitekture Slovenije.

Today we know that he was creative, innovative and progressive for his time, say Tina Silič, Barbara Viki Šubic and Tina Gradišer from the Centre of Slovenian Architecture.

Arhitekturo je ustvarjal za ljudi. Postavljal jih je v ospredje javnega življenja, umeščal je naravo po mestu, s svojimi deli je krepil skupnost, zavzemal se je za ugodno bivalno okolje ter ustvarjal mesto po meri pešca.

He created architecture for people. He placed them at the forefront of public life, placed nature around the city, strengthened the community with his works, advocated a favourable living environment and created a city tailored to pedestrians.

Njegova arhitektura je bila trajnostna. Uporabljal je lokalne materiale ter recikliral gradbene elemente. Ali veš, da je za stebre cerkve Sv. Mihaela uporabil kar kanalizacijske cevi?

His architecture was sustainable. He used local materials and recycled building elements. Did you know that for the pillars of the church of St. Michael's Church [Cerkev sv. Mihaela na Barju] used sewer pipes?

Zveni znano? Z vsemi temi vprašanji se arhitekti ukvarjajo še danes.

Sounds familiar? Architects still deal with all these issues today.

Vedno bolj se zavedajo blagodejnega vpliva narave, dreves, potreb po ugodnem življenjskem prostoru za vse prebivalce in problemov, ki jih v mesta prinaša promet, navajajo sogovornice.

They are becoming more and more aware of the beneficial effects of nature, trees, the need for a favourable living space for all residents and the problems that traffic brings to cities.

V Ljubljani bodo kmalu prenovili njegovo trafiko. Banka Slovenije bo izdala njegove spominske kovance, v teh dneh pa bo izšel ponatis njegovega stripa.

His trafika [newsstand] will soon be renovated in Ljubljana. The Bank of Slovenia will issue his commemorative coins, and a reprint of a graphic novel about him will also be published soon.

Izjemnost njegove arhitekture se kaže tudi z vpisom njegovih del med Unescovo svetovno kulturno dediščino.

The exceptionality of his architecture is also shown by the inscription of his works among the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

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