Slovene-English Dual Text: Disneyjev Encanto je Tudi Zgodba o Drugačnosti, Beguncih in Življenju Migrantov

By , 28 Feb 2022, 13:49 PM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Disneyjev Encanto je Tudi Zgodba o Drugačnosti, Beguncih in Življenju Migrantov YouTube

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Disneyjev Encanto je zgodba o drugačnosti, beguncih in življenju migrantov

Disney’s Encanto is a story of diversity, refugees and the lives of migrants

Written by Vanesa, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Encanto ni tipičen Disneyjev film.

Encanto is not a typical Disney movie.

V ospredje namreč postavlja kulturo Latinoameričanov, v njem pa nastopajo tudi junaki drugih ras.

It puts the culture of Latin Americans at the forefront, and it also features heroes of other races.

Šestdeseti animirani film iz Disneyjevih studiev je primerno izhodišče za pogovore o drugačnosti.

The sixtieth animated film from Disney Studios is a suitable starting point for conversations about difference.

Pripoveduje namreč o kolumbijski družini Madrigal, ki živi v čarobni hiški.

It tells the story of the Colombian Madrigal family, who live in a magical house.

Vsakemu družinskemu članu je podarila posebno moč, le glavna junakinja Mirabel je ostala brez.

It gave a special power to each member of the family, only the main character Mirabel was left without.

Film predstavlja kulturo, ki je v filmih ne vidimo pogosto, poudarja ameriška pediatrinja Candice Jones.

The film represents a culture that we don’t see often in movies, points out American pediatrician Candice Jones.

Pomembno je, da otroci vidijo več takšnih vsebin, saj jim to da občutek pripadnosti. To je dobro za družbo v celoti. Ne potrebujemo barvno slepe družbe, ampak družbo, ki v vsakomur vidi bogastvo.

It is important that children see more such content, as this gives them a sense of belonging. This is good for society as a whole. We do not need a colour-blind society, but a society that sees value in everyone.

V Disneyjevih filmih so v preteklosti sicer že nastopili izbrani latinskoameriški junaki, a so ti imeli le stransko vlogo.

Disney movies have featured a selection of Latin American heroes in the past, but they have only played a supporting role.

V Encantu se prepletajo tudi teme, povezane z življenjem beguncev. Dotika se problematike migracij in težav, ki se lahko prenesejo na naslednje generacije.

Encanto also intertwines themes related to the lives of refugees. It touches on migration issues and problems that can be passed on to future generations.

Glavno sporočilo filma pa je, da ima vsaka oseba v sebi poseben dar. Ne šteje to, kar počneš, ampak kdo si.

The main message of the film is that each person has a special gift. It doesn’t matter what you do, but who you are.

Film je priljubljen tudi pri kritikih: dobil je zlati globus za najboljši animirani film.

The film is also popular with critics: it won the Golden Globe for Best Animated Film.

Glasba iz filma pa je osvojila vrh Billboardove lestvice in izpodrinila album pevke Adele.

And the music from the film reached the top of the Billboard charts, replacing an album by the singer Adele.

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