Slovene-English Dual Text: Fizika Smučarskih Skokov

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Fizika smučarskih skokov

The physics of ski jumping

Written by Dora Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Naši skakalci in skakalke so se letos izjemno izkazali na olimpijskih igrah. Zanje pa bomo sedaj navijali še v Planici.

Our ski jumpers have excelled this year at the Olympics. We will now support them in Planica.

Za njihov uspeh pa niso pomembni le dobra fizična kondicija, koncentracija ali talent, temveč tudi razumevanje osnovnih konceptov fizike.

However, not only are good physical condition, concentration and talent important for their success, but also an understanding of the basic concepts of physics.

Na dolžino smučarskega skoka namreč vplivajo tri stvari: gravitacija (oziroma sila teže), dinamičen vzgon in upor.

The length of a ski jump is influenced by three things: gravity (or the force of gravity), dynamic lift and resistance.

Sila teže nas vleče proti tlom – zato skakalec prej ali slej pristane na tleh. Vendar med skokom zaradi dinamičnega vzgona ostaja v zraku.

The force of gravity pulls us towards the ground - so the jumper sooner or later lands on the ground. However, they remain in the air during the jump due to dynamic buoyancy.

Glede na vremenske pogoje organizatorji prilagajajo štartno mesto na skakalnici.

Depending on the weather conditions, the organizers adjust the starting point on the ski jump.

Ker zračni upor skakalca upočasni, se zmanjša tudi dinamičen vzgon, zato se začne zaradi gravitacije spuščati.

As the air resistance slows the jumper down, the dynamic buoyancy is also reduced, so they start to descend due to gravity.

Smučarski skakalci s poloxamer telesa torej maksimalno izkoristijo dinamičen vzgon, medtem ko poskušajo omejiti zračni upor.

Ski jumpers therefore use their body position to make the most of dynamic buoyancy while trying to limit air resistance.

Zaradi občutljivih fizikalnih zakonov lahko tako veter, oprema in celo športnikovo telo vplivajo na dolžino skoka.

Due to sensitive laws of physics, wind, equipment and even the athlete's body can all affect the length of the jump.

Morda ste že opazili, da med smučarskimi skoki organizatorji pogosto premikajo štartno točko na skakalnici.

You may have already noticed that during ski jumping, organizers often move the starting point on the ski jump.

Ta prilagoditev je odvisna od vetra – če bi bil veter premočan in bi imel skakalec previsoko hitrost, bi ga odneslo predaleč, celo v publiko.

This adjustment depends on the wind – if the wind was too strong and the jumper had too high a speed, it would take them too far, even into the spectators.

Lahko bi ga tudi močno upočasnil in bi moral prehitro pristati.

It could also slow them down a lot and they’d have to land too fast.

S prilagoditvami organizatorji tako poskušajo poskrbeti, da bodo vsi tekmovalci nastopili v čim bolj podobnih razmerah.

With the adjustments, the organizers are trying to make sure that all the competitors will perform in as similar a situation as possible.

Smučarski skakalci morajo zelo paziti na položaj svojega telesa.

Ski jumpers need to pay close attention to their body position.

Tudi smuči so pripravljene za vsakega skakalca posebej – glede na telesni indeks in višino.

The skis are also prepared for each jumper individually – depending on body index and height.

Pomembno je tudi, da se obleke tesno prilegajo telesu, da si z njimi ne morejo pomagati pri letenju.

It’s also important that the clothes fit snugly so that they cannot help you fly.

V prispevek se je prikradli neljuba napaka. Vzgon namreč ni odvisen od hitrosti, temveč od prostornine telesa. S hitrostjo pa je povezan dinamičen vzgon; ko skakalčeva hitrost upade, se ta zmanjša.

An unwelcome mistake has crept into the post. Buoyancy does not depend on speed, but on body volume. Dynamic buoyancy is associated with speed; when the jumper's speed decreases, it also decreases.

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