Slovene-English Dual Text: Družba Sloni Na Znanjih Računalništva

By , 04 Apr 2022, 16:36 PM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Družba Sloni Na Znanjih Računalništva CC-by-0

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Družba sloni na znanjih računalništva, zato bi jih morali pridobiti vsi učenci

Society relies on computer skills, so all students should acquire them

Written by Sandra Hanžič,  translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Učitelj računalništva Uroš Ocepek iz Srednje tehniške in poklicne šole Trbovlje nas bo zastopal na Global Teacher Prize. Zavzema se, da bi računalništvo postalo obvezen predmet v osnovni šoli.

Computer science teacher Uroš Ocepek from Trbovlje Secondary Technical and Vocational School will represent us at the Global Teacher Prize. He supports that computing be made a compulsory subject in primary school.

Zakaj ste postali učitelj?

Why did you become a teacher?

Ker sem v svojih učiteljih imel res lepe zglede. Videl sem, da je to plemenit poklic. Tudi zdaj se jih spominjam in se zasačim, da se kdaj odzovem tako, kot so se oni.

Because I had really nice examples in my teachers. I saw that it was a noble profession. Even now I remember them when I catch myself reacting the way they did.

V poklicu vztrajam, ker lahko dijakom pomagam doseči cilj, jih seznanim z znanjem iz preteklosti, ponudim možnost usvajanja sodobnih znanj in jih poskušam pripraviti na prihodnost.

I follow this profession because I can help students achieve their goals, acquaint them with knowledge from the past, offer the opportunity to acquire modern knowledge and try to prepare them for the future.

Z zgledom jim želim pomagati izkoristiti potencial pri strokovnem izobraževanju in osebnem razvoju.

By example, I want to help them realize their potential in professional education and personal development.

Bi računalništvo moralo postati del obveznega programa osnovne šole?

Should computer science become part of the compulsory primary school curriculum?

Ključno je, da postane nov samostojni obvezni predmet.

It is crucial that it becomes a new independent compulsory subject.



Računalništvo je prisotno v vseh poklicih. Marsikdo zagovarja, da bi bilo dovolj vključiti le digitalne kompetence. S tem se ne strinjam.

Computing is present in all professions. Many argue that it would be enough to include only digital competences. I don’t agree with that.

Preprost primer: ena od inovacij, ki sem jo naredil z dijakoma in mentorico dr. Mašo Jazbec, je bila instalacija BCI-slikar: slikanje z mislimi.

A simple example: one of the innovations I made with my students and mentor Dr. Mašo Jazbec, was an installation called BCI-painter: painting with thoughts.

Kaj to pomeni?

What does that mean?

Uporabnik si nadene kapo z osmimi senzorji, si zamisli eno od ponujenih kretenj čopiča in brez rok, samo z mislimi, naslika abstraktno sliko na digitalno platno.

The user puts on a hat with eight sensors, imagines one of the offered brush strokes and without hands, just with thoughts, paints an abstract image on a digital canvas.

Če dijaka ne bi poznala osnov strojne opreme, protokolov pri prenosu podatkov in programiranja, potem takšne inovacije ne bi bilo.

If a student dies not know the basics of hardware, data transfer protocols and programming, then there would be no such innovation.

Če bi imela le digitalne kompetence, bi jo znala uporabljati, ne pa tudi narediti, popraviti ali izboljšati.

If they only had digital competencies, they would know how to use it, but not make, fix or improve it.

Včasih je bilo pomembno, da si strokovnjak na svojem (ozkem) področju. Danes živimo v času, ko mora biti vsak strokovnjak s čim širšim naborom področij, ki jih pokriva.

Sometimes it’s important to be an expert in your (narrow) field. Today we live in a time when every expert must be with as wide a range of areas as possible.

Le tako bomo – še posebej naši učenci – konkurenčni v Evropi in svetu.

Only in this way will we - especially our students - be competitive in Europe and the world.

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