Slovene-English Dual Text: Camila Cabello Se Noče Sramovati Svojega Telesa

By , 11 Apr 2022, 09:01 AM How to Slovenia
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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Camila Cabello se noče sramovati svojega telesa

Camila Cabello does not want to be ashamed of her body

Written by Romana Dobnikar Šeruga, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

»Trebuh sem stiskala tako močno, da so me bolele mišice. Dihala nisem in komaj sem se nasmehnila. Tako močno sem se zavedala, kje so paparaci, da se nisem mogla sprostiti in početi, kar naj bi počeli, ko gremo v naravo.«

“I squeezed my stomach so hard that my muscles ached. I wasn’t breathing and I could barely smile. I was so aware of where the paparazzi were that I couldn't relax and do what we were supposed to do when we went out into nature. "

S temi besedami je pevka Camila Cabello opisala svoj dan na plaži v Miamiju.

With these words, the singer Camila Cabello described her day at the beach in Miami.

Dodala je, da se še nikdar ni počutila na plaži tako slabo. Nato so jo prizadele še objavljene fotografije in komentarji pod njimi.

She added that she had never felt so bad on the beach before. But then she was affected by photos that were published and the comments beneath them.

Želi si, da bi se na plaži spet lahko počutila tako, kot se je pri sedmih letih: »Ko sem bila vesela, trapasta, ko sem dihala, ko sem se pretvarjala, da sem morska deklica, SVOBODNA.«

She wishes she could feel like she did at the age of seven on the beach again: "When I was happy, silly, when I was breathing, when I pretended to be a mermaid, FREE."

Petindvajsetletna ameriška pevka je slavna osebnost in zato neprestano na očeh javnosti.

The 25-year-old American singer is a celebrity and therefore constantly in the public eye.

Vseeno noče privoliti v to, da bi se morala sramovati svojega telesa. 

Still, she refuses to accept that she should be ashamed of her body.

“Fotošop, shujševalne diete, pretiravanje pri vadbi in izbiranje zornih kotov za fotografiranje omogočajo, da so naša telesa videti drugače kot v resnici in v svoji naravni obliki.” - Camila Cabello

“Photoshop, slimming diets, excessive exercise and choosing certain angles for photography allow our bodies to look different than they really are and in their natural form.” - Camila Cabello

To ni bilo prvič, da je opozorila, da se dekleta in ženske ne smejo ozirati na nerealna pričakovanja glede svojega videza.

This was not the first time she has warned that girls and women should not have unrealistic expectations about their appearance.

Poleti je na TikToku delila posnetek z naslovom Ljubim svoje telo.

In the summer, she shared a video on TikTok entitled I Love My Body.

V njem je sporočila oboževalcem, da sprejema svoje obline, čeprav deležna neprijetnih opazk, da ni zadosti vitka.

In it, she told fans that she accepts her curves, even though she receives unpleasant remarks that she is not slim enough.

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