Slovene-English Dual Text: Investirajmo v Svoj Planet

By , 25 Apr 2022, 16:21 PM How to Slovenia
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Investirajmo v svoj planet

Let's invest in our planet

Written by Dora Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

22. aprila je Dan Zemlje. Letos poteka pod geslom Investirajmo v svoj planet.

April 22 is Earth Day. This year it is held under the motto Let's invest in our planet.

To pomeni, da moramo vložiti svoj denar, pa tudi svoja dejanja, v bolj zeleno prihodnost planeta.

This means that we need to invest our money, as well as our actions, in the greener future of the planet.

Velika podjetja so med največjimi onesnaževalci, ker pogosto na prvo mesto postavljajo dobiček in ne okolja.

Large companies are among the biggest polluters because they often put profit first and not the environment.

Neekološki materiali so običajno cenejši od ekoloških.

Non-organic materials are usually cheaper than organic ones.

Za pridobivanje ekoloških materialov pa moramo imeti tudi malce domišljije. Nekatera podjetja so se denimo domislila različnih izdelkov iz gliv.

But we also need to have a little imagination to get organic materials. For example, some companies have come up with different fungal products.

Goba, ki jo vidiš v gozdu, se ti verjetno ne zdi nič posebnega.

The mushroom you see in the woods probably doesn’t seem special to you.

A pod zemljo ustvarja celo omrežje iz micelija, ki se lahko razraste tudi več sto metrov naokoli.

But underground it creates a network of mycelium that can grow hundreds of metres around it.

S previdnim uravnavanjem rasti micelija lahko iz gliv izdelamo opeke in izolacijo. Ker je micelij zelo trpežen, kot lepilo okrepi trdnost materiala.

By carefully regulating the growth of mycelium, bricks and insulation can be made from the fungi. Because the mycelium is very durable, as a glue it strengthens the strength of the material.

Postopek priprave izdelkov iz gliv je enostaven.

The process of preparing fungal products is simple.

Za opeko potrebujemo le tri sestavine. Moko, ki služi kot hrana za glivo, žagovino ali kakšen drug trden in biorazgradljiv material in spore glive.

We only need three ingredients for the brick. Flour that serves as food for fungus, sawdust or any other solid and biodegradable material and fungal spores.

Zmes položimo v kalup in namočimo.

Place the mixture in a mould and soak it.

Po približno dveh tednih micelij preraste opeko. Nato opeko segrejemo, da gliva odmre in se opeka posuši.

After about two weeks, the mycelium grows into a brick. The brick is then heated to allow the fungus to die and the brick to dry.

Izdelki iz gliv so popolnoma razgradljivi, pa tudi trpežni. Za njihovo izdelavo ne potrebujemo velikih tovarn in posebnih materialov. Uporabimo lahko celo kmetijske odpadke.

Fungal products are completely degradable as well as durable. We do not need large factories and special materials to make them. We can even use agricultural waste.

Lastnosti micelija so različne pri različnih vrstah gliv. Zato so nekatere primerne tudi za izdelavo oblačil, usnja in celo za mesne nadomestke.

The properties of the mycelium are different for different types of fungi. Therefor, some are also suitable for making clothes, leather and even meat substitutes.

Z investiranjem v takšna podjetja bi si lahko zagotovili bolj zeleno prihodnost.

By investing in such companies, we could secure a greener future.

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