Restaurant Week Returns, October 12–21, 2018

By , 08 Oct 2018, 19:00 PM Lifestyle
Some of the dishes on offer Some of the dishes on offer Screenshot and montage from Restaurant Week's Facebook page

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Slovenia was just named the European Region of Gastronomy for 2021, the first nation to gain that status. It’s an award that pays testament to both the growing profile of the country’s food and wine offerings, and the talents of its chefs and restaurateurs, a fact soon to be underlined with in the release of Gault & Millau’s first guide to Slovenia, which will be published in November this year. 

But trying new restaurants can be an expensive, hit and miss affair, which is why savvy foodies know the time to book a table in Slovenia is during the spring and autumn Restaurant Week (Teden restavracija) promotions, when you can eat out for just €18.

The event has grown year on year from the first Maribor-based week in 2012, organized, as now, by the food writer Uroš Mencinger. The autumn edition, which runs from October 12 to 21 (2018), will see 100 specially-chosen restaurants participating from all over country, and – because of the event’s growing popularity – reservations should be made as soon as possible.

The featured restaurants are located all over the country, in Central Sloveniathe NorthSouthEast and West. More information can be found at the official website, which, although in Slovene, is easily navigable with the aid of Google Translate, and also has details of the menus on offer and how to make a booking.


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