Slovenian Children Among the Most Physically Active in the World

By , 27 Nov 2018, 18:00 PM Lifestyle
Slovenian Children Among the Most Physically Active in the World

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The Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance has released a report examining physical activity among children in 49 countries, with Slovenia, Japan and Zimbabwe having the most active youngsters. However, while the story is a good one in these three nations, the overall trends in other countries indicate that most children are not getting enough activity to ensure health growth and development.

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Part of the press kit.

The study claims that the high levels of physical activity among Slovenian children are related to the central role that sport plays in the national identity, as well as the fact that the fitness of all children aged 6 to 19 is measured each year using a standardised test. Slovenia thus obtained a top grade of A- for overall physical activity, a B+ for family and peers and an A for government, which assesses the strategy and resources applied by the state to ensure more active lifestyles.

With regard to Japan, the report notes that the country “has a highly established ‘walking to school practice’ that has been implemented since the School Education Act enforcement order, enacted in 1953. It states that public elementary schools should be located within no more than 4 km, and for public junior high schools no more than 6 km from the student’s home.”

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Part of the press kit.

It’s a similar story in Zimbabwe, albeit for different reasons, as “overall physical activity is mostly affected by active transportation which, for the majority of the children in Zimbabwe, is a necessity in everyday life.”

While Slovenia got an A- for “overall physical activity”, the United States got a C-, with the full report available here if you’d like to see where your country stands.


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