Pentlja: From Local Fashion Brands to Louis Vuitton

By , 04 Dec 2018, 19:00 PM Lifestyle
Pentlja: From Local Fashion Brands to Louis Vuitton All pictures by Neža Loštrek

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December 4, 2018

Although Ljubljana is quite a snobbish city, there are only a few stores where conspicuous consumers can shop for the signifiers of their social status. Although relatively small in size, Pentlja, a store with a concept that’s between Town Hall and the Triple Bridge, just next to Vigo, aims to address this issue with its varied selection of what some might consider “the best”.


In terms of style you will find everything from neon feathered purses to classic monochrome coats, while brands on offer stem from Louis Vuitton bags to local stars such as Sania Reja Aske, whose recent Perunkasvarunka   collection can be found in Pentlja in pretty much its entirety.



Prices? For Aske’s faux fur coat you’ll pay EUR 999. However, as it goes for most of the pieces you’ll find in the shop, you’ll be the only person on the planet to rock it. Hence the price.


Apart from unique pieces and easily recognisable brands, such as LV, Pentlja also offers some other safe luxury purchases, notably Moët & Chandon champagne in bottles of all sizes and scents and fragrant candles from Ladurée, a French patisserie shop.



For some reason, next to fashion magazines, you can also find books in Pentlja. As the selection of titles appeared rather random, we learned that they all originate from Vale Novak publishing house. Perhaps so that even those too broke or too fashion averse to purchase any other items can go home with a collection of Slavoj Žižek’s jokes.  







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