Slovenia’s IPoP (Inštitut za politike prostora, the Institute for Spatial Policies) and TAM-TAM Institute have announced the winner of an international poster design competition on the theme of pedestrian-friendly cities of the future, under the title of Cities for Pedestrians! The contest called for images that would remind people that there are many reasons to choose walking as a mode of transport. In addition to the direct health benefits of physical activity, walking is a form of sustainable mobility that’s especially appropriate for urban environments,, because of the accessibility of food and service.
The competition attracted 159 entries, 95 of which came from outside Slovenia. Twenty-seven of these made it to the shortlist, and will be on display from the middle of June at the Pesec online gallery, all available for use Creative Commons licenses. Then in September a selection of these works will appear in a pop-up gallery in Ljubljana, as part of European Mobility Week 2019.
The winning poster was produced by Andrea Machara, from Spain, and will be from the end of May on 50 of TAM-TAM’s poster locations in eight Slovenian cities. As the President of Competition Jury, Žare Kerin, said of Machara’s work, called “Hodite” (“Walk”):
While evaluating the works, the jury respected three criteria as the most important: communication value, creativity and visual excellence. The winning poster subtly and wittily shows many advantages of walking in the city: on the cross-walk we see how pedestrians are meeting one another, some of them are even dancing, a young family is running errands, a student is racing to a lecture … The stylised figures provoke the viewer’s imagination, enticing one to attribute stories and with that make one more strongly aware of the positive and pleasant side of experiencing the cities for pedestrians.