STA, 30 October 2020 - Following a meeting of the government and its Covid-19 task force on Thursday evening, Prime Minister Janez Janša tweeted in the early hours of Friday that anti-corona measures are to be extended for a week as projections show that case and hospitalisation figures are expected to keep growing for at least some time.
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"However, if we are consistent and we all support health workers' efforts by acting responsibly, we can expect a gradual relaxing [of the restrictions] in between seven and ten days," said the prime minister.
Število obolelih za #COVID19 bo glede na projekcije žal vsaj še nekaj časa naraščalo. Ukrepi bodo zato podaljšani za teden dni. A če bomo dosledni in bomo vsi z odgovornim obnašanjem podprli napore zdravstvenih delavcev, lahko čez 7 do 10 dni pričakujemo postopno sproščanje.
— Janez Janša (@JJansaSDS) October 29, 2020
More details about the week-long extension of the measures will be presented by relevant ministers at today's briefing, according to the government's spokesman Jelko Kacin.
It seems that a 9pm-6am curfew, a ban on movement between municipalities and a cap on gatherings of more than six people will remain in force next week.
Children are not expected to return to schools yet. However, it is yet unclear whether remote learning will be re-introduced or whether the autumn holidays will be extended.
A total of 2,488 new infections were confirmed on Wednesday and as much as 109 Covid-19 patients needed intensive care. The government's chief Covid-19 adviser Bojana Beović said that day that it would be sensible the measures last 28 days to show their efficiency.
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