Secondary School Leaving Exam Starts Today with Slovenian (or Hungarian, Italian) Test

By , 04 May 2021, 10:38 AM Lifestyle
Secondary School Leaving Exam Starts Today with Slovenian (or Hungarian, Italian) Test CC-by-0

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STA, 4 May 2021 - The secondary school leaving exam is starting on Tuesday for some 17,000 final-year students. This is the second year in a row that the matura exam is taking place during the coronavirus epidemic, and after matura candidates were on distance learning for several months.

Almost 7,200 candidates have registered to take the general matura in spring alongside 10,620 who registered for the vocational matura exam.

However, just over 2,100 will sit for both types of matura, because some vocational matura candidates will also take one exam at general secondary schools.

The general matura starts for almost 6,625 students today as they write an essay in their mother tongue, while the vocational matura starts on 29 May.

Note: While for most students Slovenian is their mother tongue, Italian and Hungarian are also recognised as minority languages

The general matura exam is seen as more demanding in that it better prepares for university studies.

It consists of five exams - in mother tongue, a foreign language, maths and two elective subjects. The results will be available on 12 June.

To make the matura as safe as possible, the Education Ministry opted for voluntary vaccination for all last-year students, which started last week amid criticism that it had come too late for proper immunisation.

Those in quarantine during the matura period will be able to take exams if they produce a negative PCR test not older than 24 hours.

They will take it in a separate room, while school will have to provide for their separate entry to school and to the classroom.

In mid-April, only some 27 last-year secondary school students were sick with Covid-19, with another 199 in quarantine.

Those who can prove to be infected while the matura exam is on will be able to take it in the autumn, the second slot for the exams.

Last-year secondary school students were on remote learning from late October to mid-February, when they were among the first to return to in-person learning so that they could prepare for the matura.

Before schools reopened mass testing of teachers was rolled out and has now become a weekly routine. Teachers have also been prioritised for vaccination.

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