Maribor Theatre Festival Starts Today, Runs Until 27 June

By , 14 Jun 2021, 11:18 AM Lifestyle

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STA, 14 June 2021 - Still Life - Nine Attempts to Preserve Life, a show by the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre directed by Tin Grabnar, will lift the curtain on the 56th Maribor Theatre Festival on Monday. The competition programme starts on Friday.

While many festivals have opted for a hybrid format, the Maribor Theatre Festival, taking place until 27 June, will be held fully in person.

Last year's festival lasted only a day due to the epidemic, just to confer the Borštnik Ring, the country's main award for theatre acting.

The productions from the 2019/20 season selected for competition last year will thus be staged this year.

While ten were originally selected, only eight will compete because two are no longer played at their theatres.

The festival has a strong international dimension and eight foreign productions will be shown as part of the accompanying programme.

Programmes for youth and students will also be available. For the first time, some shows will be played in front of homes for the elderly.

The full programme, in English, is available at


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