Nine Out of Ten Hospital Doctors in Slovenia Now Full Vaccinated Against Covid

By , 31 Aug 2021, 08:22 AM Lifestyle
Nine Out of Ten Hospital Doctors in Slovenia Now Full Vaccinated Against Covid Flickr - Pan American Health Organization PAHO, (CC BY-ND 2.0

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STA, 30 August 2021 - Nearly 90% of doctors working at Slovenian hospitals have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19, data from the Slovenian Medical Chamber shows. The vaccination rate among other health staff is lower.

Out of 3,571 doctors employed at Slovenia's two medical centres and hospitals 89.4% have been vaccinated.

"The data shows clearly that vaccination is being opted for by people who know professionally the most about the safety and efficacy of vaccination and its significance for society," the Medical Chamber said in a press release on Monday.

Its data shows that all the doctors have been inoculated at the Topolšica hospital in mid north-east of the country, and nearly all at the general hospital in Celje (99.4%).

Over 90% have also been jabbed at UKC Maribor, Slovenia's second largest medical centre, at the Oncology Institute in Ljubljana and the general hospitals in Brežice and Slovenj Gradec.

At UKC Ljubljana, Slovenia's largest medical centre, 87% of over 1,300 doctors working there have been vaccinated.

"The figure includes all doctors, including those on long-term sick leave or maternity leave, whereas in most other hospitals doctors on long-term leave are not included," said the release.

Some doctors are still deemed protected through a recent infection, which is why they have not yet been vaccinated.

Almost two weeks ago, UKC Ljubljana said 75% of its staff have been vaccinated.

Meanwhile, Tatjana Lejko Zupanc, the head of the Department of Infectious Diseases at UKC Ljubljana, said the vaccination rate among nursing staff was on a par with the national average.

Nation-wide, 43% of the population has been fully vaccinated or 51% of the adult population.


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