“Mass Hypnosis: Indigo Festival Opens Today in Ljubljana, Ends Next Week with Varoufakis-Žižek Talk

By , 13 Oct 2021, 14:00 PM Lifestyle
“Mass Hypnosis: Indigo Festival Opens Today in Ljubljana, Ends Next Week with Varoufakis-Žižek Talk indigo.ooo

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STA, 13 October 2021 - The 6th Indigo Festival, starting at Cukrarna in Ljubljana today and running until Friday, brings a series of events to offer a reflection on some of the most pressing issues of today's world under the slogan Mass Hypnosis. A talk between contemporary thinkers Slavoj Žižek and Yanis Varoufakis is scheduled for next week.

Slovenian philosopher of world renown Žižek and Greek economist and left-wing movement DiEM leader Varoufakis will discuss "the issues faced by today's Left" on Thursday, 21 October.

The festival's organisers have announced that the talk with Varoufakis moderated by Žižek will be "far from a polite exchange of opinions by two like-minded colleagues".

While the tickets for the talk have already sold out, it is still possible to buy them to watch the live stream.

Cukrarna says the pandemic has shaken up the world and changed it completely, while the world's antagonisms and problems have remained with their destructive power having increased.

"Neoliberal constructs, populisms and ideologies that we thought had disappeared are on the rise. Climate change determines our daily lives. Lies and untruths have conquered the digital media. In short, an accumulation of 'unbalanced' events and people is changing the world we were used to."

The organisers say that without realising it, the world has slipped into a "mass hypnosis of a state of numbness", which is the reason why the festival will try to uncover "the causal connections that have led to this state".

The festival brings several talks, including with Slovenian artist Marjetica Potrč, Cukrarna artistic director Alenka Gregorič, and talks with and concerts by Mouse on Mars, Stephen O'Malley and Kali Malone, among others. An art book fair Caffeine Hours 2021 will bring together designers, illustrators, photographers and publishers.

A Friday highlight will be a talk accompanying the Slovenian translation of Mark Fisher's Capitalist Realism: Is There no Alternative featuring philosophers Mladen Dolar, Nina Power and Gregor Moder.

Learn more at the Indigo Festival website


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