Inno Lab Wins Slovenia’s Startup of the Year Award

By , 22 Jun 2022, 15:31 PM Made in Slovenia
The Inno Lab team The Inno Lab team Photo: Inno Lab

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STA, 21 June 2022 - Inno Lab, the company that makes crates providing tools for a variety of experiments aiming to make children interested in physics, mathematics and IT, has been declared the best startup in Slovenia for this year.

The Innobox crates do not only expand knowledge and entertain, as they also teach kids about achievements of Slovenian scientists.

Founder Teja Bajt said at Tuesday's award ceremony that it meant a lot to win the national startup competition.

"We all know that there are great technological companies in Slovenia, as well researchers, engineers and other experts, and we need to start developing these talents early."

Inno Lab took part in the TV competition Štartaj Slovenija in 2020 and now it is launching international sales of the Innobox through Italian Amazon.

Addressing the event, Economy Minister Matjaž Han said that raising added value was a priority for him and that this could only be achieved through investments at all levels of development.

Apart from Inno Lab, the shortlist for the Start:Up 2022 award included companies DeltaHub, Epidemic, mPOR and SaleSqueze.

Learn more about the company at its website


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