PopulTrade – Slovenia’s Latest Blockchain Crowdsale

By , 12 Dec 2017, 22:20 PM Made in Slovenia
PopulTrade – Slovenia’s Latest Blockchain Crowdsale All images from PopulTrade

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The promise of profit without mining.  

December 13, 2017

Slovenia is aiming to become a ‘blockchain’ heaven, with such efforts extending beyond the headline grabbing realm of cryptocurrencies to other uses that are likely to remain baffling for the foreseeable future, including making the government more efficient, cutting carbon emissions and reducing income inequality. But don’t worry about the details, because by next summer you may be invited to enjoy your crypto-friend’s new purchases – an island in the Adriatic, with a yacht to enjoy the views of their new property.

One local company that aims to use blockchain to fire up the Slovenian economy is PopulTrade, which is currently having as crowdsale. We got in touch with the firm and they answered a few questions.

How can PopulTrade help people start their own businesses?

Well, it’s easy. When somebody has a business idea he or she believes to be good, they first simply register for free on the online PopulTrade platform. There, they can find a specific interest group, called ‘Circul’, or circle, that gathers people with the same interest together. For example, if someone wants to make a new line of fashionable men shoes, they join a Circul that includes people who are interested in men’s fashion, and especially footwear. They then produce a white paper describing the idea and the costs involved in realizing it. They can also state what kinds of experts and supplies they need for such this.

After the paper is submitted, members of this Circul check the idea and vote about it on a democratic level. Before the vote those people can also make suggestions for the idea or offer themselves as experts he needs to make his business work well.

If the project is finally selected, it gets financing out of the Circul financial funds, but what’s even more important is it also get physical tools and real-world experts, so it can actually be followed through in an effective and profitable way.

There are some other platforms out there that offer the opportunity to get financing, but with PopulTrade people have a unique opportunity to not only get the financial capital, but also the human capital.

How can people get involved?

They can get involved with PopulTrade simply by registering on the platform. From then on, they join the Circuls related to their interests, and later they can do whatever they like. They can either become investors into ideas or businesses, they can be the idea creators, or they can offer their services or expertise to people that need these to realise their own projects.

In this way, anyone can join a business and help improve it. They can develop their ideas, invest, participate in Circul events, work projects, and so on. This is the best thing about PopulTrade, I think, that is allows people to be involved with business at whatever level suits them.

What is Populcoin (PCP) – how can people buy it, and how can they use it?

People can buy PCPs on the cryptocurrency token market either in the ongoing initial crowdsale for the initial price, or later at a price regulated by the free market.

PCP is a cryptocurrency that will be used as a payment method inside the PopulTrade system. For example: let’s say somebody has an idea for which he will needs a legal advisor. One person will offer his legal services in exchange for a payout. This payout will be made in PCPs and then the receiver of these will be able to either trade his PCPs into a fiat currency or some other cryptocurrency, or he will simply keep it to use it at a time when he will need a service inside PopulTrade. This is only one case of the Populcoin usage, the rest are thoroughly explained on our home page.

What does the crowdsale aim to achieve?

It aims to achieve the resources we need to establish such a big and complex system for realizing business and ideas on large and small scales, and at an international level. We want all our operations to be encrypted on blockchain and to be legally impeccable, plus accessible in a simple way, through applications on smartphones and personal computers. We also want to include as many people and already established businesses into the system as possible, and for that we need to establish a strong marketing processes that will spread the PopulTrade platform’s opportunities all over the globe. And we all know that the processes and technologies needed to achieve this cost money.

With the crowdsale, people will get a versatile and useful cryptocurrency they will be able to apply in PopulTrade, and we will get the resources to make PopulTrade the most efficient, safe and globally spread business platform ever. This platform will change life for the better for many people who want to express their creativity and entrepreneurial passion.

Considering the huge impact that PopulTrade will be able to have on world society, our crowdsale cap is just a very small input to the whole project.

How does PopulTrade fit into the blockchain economy?

Blockchain technology offers us the possibility of safe transactions, lower fees, and more open way of doing business. Circuls will be regulated by smart contracts by which everything will be transparent and democratic. 

Does being based in Slovenia offer any advantages as a blockchain start-up?

Well since we are a leading country in blockchain start-ups we have had a few good examples of successful firms that showed us that it’s possible to create something really valuable. We also have all the legal requirements set for the world markets, and the blockchain community in Slovenia is very helpful, and supportive. 

I think also that Slovenia is like this because while it does give people an opportunity of making a solid living, it is still very poor in terms of offering good local opportunities for people with “outrageous” talents and ideas.

But since it offers a very nice environment for having a family and enjoying nature, talented people often don’t wish to move into big cities with smog and nameless crowds.

In this sense, blockchain start-ups are the perfect solutions for people with great visions and ideas to make an impact on the world, but to keep living where they enjoy life.

So yes, I think Slovenia is quite good for that because it is “comfortable” enough to offer us basic resources and a good Internet infrastructure, but the market is small and a person who wishes to do something extraordinary has to find an alternative to the usual ways of doing business, and blockchain start-ups are one of those alternatives.

Where do you see PopulTrade being in a year?

In a year we will complete the basic tools of PopulTrade: Linum, Denario, Marcato and we will establish the Circuls, which means that the platform should be fully functional for realizing businesses and ideas in a year.

What’s your opinion of the current market for cryptocurrencies?

Very positive, I see the future in cryptocurrencies because they are able to decrease the huge income inequalities of today’s world, and are enabling anybody to invest, earn and show their strengths.

What excites you about working for this business?

What excite me are the opportunities PopulTrade can offer anybody with an internet connection.

Slovenia is a beautiful country with great land, but it has a small market. I know a lot of people who are very talented at what they do. However, since the demand for the skills and expertise they offer is often bigger abroad, they have to move if they wish to chase their dreams.

With PopulTrade they will be able to create or contribute to any business without having to leave their home.

Also, I love the fact that PopulTrade will offer people the opportunity to develop their entrepreneurial nature. Since they will be able to become investors, idea creators, this will not only enrich their lives in terms of financial status, but also in terms of creativity.

We all know that a routine and boring life sucks the joy out of a person, and I believe PopulTrade can bring some joy into people’s lives.

Plus, what is also very important in PopulTrade is that people will be rewarded based on their merits and invested knowledge, and not based on family connections, bribes, or what have you.

In the long run the platform that will enable regular working-class folk to enter the world of investing in an easy and low risk way.

We also see it as an opportunity for people, and especially young people, with great skills but limited career or business opportunities in their local environment, to finally be able to use their talents and thrive regardless of the economy of the country they live in.

We think PopulTrade will be able decrease the income inequalities around the world and also help improve local communities, since anybody will be able to participate and contribute in developing new or improving established businesses.

If you want take a chance on Popultrade, then you can learn more here.


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