What the Papers Say: Wednesday, April 11, 2018

By , 11 Apr 2018, 08:58 AM News
What the Papers Say: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 Flickr - Bryan Ledgard CC by 2.0

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The news on a sunny morning in the capital. 

Below is a review of headlines in Slovenian dailies for Wednesday, 11 April, as prepared by the STA:


Patria scandal
"Janša suing judges and former prosecutor": The head of the Democrats (SDS) and former Prime Minister Janez Janša has filed a lawsuit against four judges, former prosecutor Branka Zobec Hrastar and the state over the Patria case. (front page, 2)

"Without vaccination we are headed towards the past": As many as 1.5 million children die each year because of diseases which could be prevented with vaccination, the paper says, saying that parents opt against vaccinating their children for various reasons. (front page, 4)

"Will 'Western allies' attack Damascus?": American, British, French and Saudi Arabian planes were ready to attack targets of the Syrian regime yesterday, but Russia moved to prevent the attack within the UN. (front page, 7)


Slovenian-Croatian border arbitration
"Oral hearings of Slovenia and Croatia before possible lawsuit in Luxembourg": The European Commission has proposed an oral hearing about Slovenia's lawsuit against Croatia over alleged breach of EU treaties for failure to implement the border arbitration decision. (front page, 2)

"Trump about Syria with FBI on his neck": It all seems that US President Donald Trump, as some of his predecessors at the White House, will use his broad presidential foreign policy powers to divert attention from problems at home, the paper says. (front page, 7)

Slovenian basketball
"Where is money for European champions?": When the Slovenian basketball team became the European champion last year, they were promised a financial reward, but the Slovenian Basketball Association has still not transferred the state money to the players. (front page, 17)


"Money getting more expensive": A fixed interest rate for loans is no longer an option with some banks and a 2% interest rate is a thing of the past, the paper says. (front page, 2-3)

Local infrastructure plans
"What megalomanic projects Slovenian mayors have come up with": The paper presents some of the ambitious plans of Slovenian mayors with which they plan to attract more tourists, including a lake hotel in Velenje, an island near Izola and a Tibetan style bridge in Celje. (front page, 4-5)

"Agrokor: Money to suppliers, ownership shares to creditors": The paper presents the latest proposal for settlement between Croatia's Agrokor and its creditors. (front page, 6-7)


Local government
"Five years, six directors": Mateja Cekić is the sixth director of the Maribor City Administration in the five-year term of Mayor Andrej Fištravec. (front page, 9)

Child benefits
"Big families to get their bonus today": Austerity measures cutting family bonuses have mainly been lifted this year. (front page, 2-3)

Tax evasion
"Vuk family denies tax evasion": Three members of family Vuk faced the Maribor District Court judge Tanja Rot over tax evasion charges yesterday. Four other family members, including Zavrč Mayor Marian Vuk, failed to attend. (front page, 21)

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