What the Papers Say: Wednesday, June 6, 2018

By , 06 Jun 2018, 08:47 AM News
What the Papers Say: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 pixabay - Wokandapix CC0

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Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Wednesday, 6 June 2018, as prepared by the STA


NKBM damages suits
"Legal farce at NKBM worth EUR 3m": The NKBM bank has lost all damages suits against the former management headed by Matjaž Kovačič, but now does not want to pay for all the costs. (front page, page 3)

Holiday allowance
"Higher wages make higher holiday allowance": The annual holiday allowance that employees are entitled to needs to be paid out by 1 July, although some employers disregard the rule. (front page, page 4)

Europe's political map
"European shifts to the right": Centre-left parties across Europe are fragmented, while elections are being won by conservative and populist parties. (front page, page 3)

"Private lessons even for primary school children": Parents are willing to spend their salary on extra help for their children with school, which also increases the pressure on children. (front page, page 15)


Post-election analysis
"SDS persuaded most people in Ljubljana, followed by the Left": The 14 Ljubljana electoral districts elected 12 MPs. The Democratic Party (SDS) won the most vote in nine of the districts and the Left in five. (front page, page 3)

National club football
"Mandarić and Bišćan about severance package yet": The Ljubljana football club Olimpija has not yet officially parted ways with head coach Igor Bišćan because some technical matters still need to be ironed out between him and the club president Milan Mandarić. (front page, page 17, commentary 16)

Waste management
"Waste packaging piling up in utilities' yards": Up to 40,000 tonnes of packaging waste may end up in the yards of local utility companies by the end of the year after waste management companies decided to limit the amounts of waste they are willing to accept. (front page)


"Six successful micro tourism stories": Holiday rentals via Airbnb are not the only way to earn money, the newspaper writes, offering six successful micro tourism success stories. (front page, pages 4, 5)

Cinkarna Celje
"Cinkarna Celje to pay out record dividend": The shareholders' meeting of Cinkarna Celje endorsed a record dividend payout, a buyback plan as a battle for the chemical company's takeover starts. (front page, pages 10, 11)

Property development
"Swiss taking over debts of Eko Srebrna Hiša": Swiss company Harlach AG has acquired debt of the main investor of Eko Srebrna Hiša, a residential and commercial estate in Ljubljana, worth EUR 3.8m from Heta, the bad bank of the former Austrian bank Hypo. (front page, page 6)


Company takeovers
"On the wave of takeovers": More than a billion euro is expected to pour into the Slovenian capital market in the autumn if all takeover bids are realised. Yesterday, Cinkarna Celje owners rejected a takeover intent made by an affiliate of Austrian firm Martens Management Group as being too low. (front page, pages 2, 4, 5)

Government formation
"He'll feel out Janša's options": The master of the government formation process, President Borut Pahor will first check out what election winner Janez Janša makes of his capacity to form a coalition. (front page, page 2)

Health institutions
"UKC remains in the red": The UKC Maribor hospital operated at a loss in the first quarter of the year again. The expenditure exceeded revenue by a good EUR 1m. (front page, page 9)

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