What the Papers Say: Wednesday, July 4, 2018

By , 04 Jul 2018, 08:58 AM News
What the Papers Say: Wednesday, July 4, 2018 Flickr - Paul Keller CC by 2.0

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Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Wednesday, 4 July 2018,as prepared by the STA


"Important day for Mercator's future": The creditors of the troubled Croatian company Agrokor will decide on a settlement proposal drawn up by a creditors committee. (front page, 9)

Coalition talks
"All party men": The paper presents the key negotiators from the potential coalition partners conducting talks with the election runner-up, the Marjan Šarec List. (front page, 2)

Football World Cup
"English spell broken after all": The countries that can still hope to win the Football World Cup are Uruguay, France, Brazil, Belgium, Russia, Croatia, Sweden and England. (front page, 19-20)


School holiday
"Holidays at museum? There are still some vacancies": While summer holiday activities for school children which are subsidised by the state are all full, there are still some vacancies at those that are not subsidised. (front page, 9)

Ljubljana infrastructure
"Major utility deal for Komunalne Gradnje": The Municipality of Ljubljana has received as many as seven bids for the construction of a utility network in the first 20 areas of a major cohesion project in Ljubljana. The lowest bid was submitted by the company Komunalne Gradnje. (front page, 8)


"Supreme Court buries hope of self-funding patients in health": Higher courts are rejecting the claims for reimbursement of the costs of treatment of self-funding patients who faced too long waiting times within the public system. (front page, 6)

"Analysis: Five points why Germany is in trouble": The paper analyses what it sees as Germany's five main problems which directly affect Slovenian exporters. (front page, 2-3)

"It's happening: Italy's Intesa selling claims to Mercator": Italy's second biggest bank Intesa SanPaolo is selling some EUR 40m in claims to retailer Mercator or about 5% of Mercator's debt. (front page, 10-11)


Football stadium renovation
"Renovation will be costlier": The renovation of the Maribor football stadium Ljudski Vrt will not cost EUR 5.5m but EUR 6.9m. (front page, 9)

Staff shortages in hospitality sector
"Coffee or Kafa": There is a shortage of waiters in Slovenia, so bar and restaurant owners are hiring staff from Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. (front page, 4)

Hotel fire
"Wasps, smoke and fire": A fire broke out at 8:40 AM yesterday in the attic of Ljubljana's renowned Grand Hotel Union. First estimates put the damage at EUR 400,000. (front page, 21)

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