What the Papers Say: Tuesday, August 28, 2018

By , 28 Aug 2018, 09:13 AM News
What the Papers Say: Tuesday, August 28, 2018 Wikimedia - CC by 3.0 HK

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Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Tuesday, 28 August 2018, as prepared by the STA


Investments in Serbia
"Serbia becoming Chinese economic backyard": In mid-September, Serbia is to endorse a US$ 1.5bn package of Chinese investments, while last week a Chinese tyre giant announced it would open a US$ 1bn factory in Zrenjanin. (front page, 4)

Government formation
"Government contours becoming clearer": The Marjan Šarec List (LMŠ) has surprised with its list of candidates for ministers from the party. Apart from former ZZZS head Samo Fakin, all three candidates are a surprise. (front page, 2)

"Anti-migrant block in the Old Continent": Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini is gathering politicians around him who share his anti-migrant views. Today he will meet Hungarian PM Viktor Orban. (front page, 3)


Ministerial line-up
"List of ministers - mixture of experts, politicians and unknown names": The government of Marjan Šarec yesterday completed its list of ministerial candidates to be put to a vote in parliament. All coalition partners also confirmed the participation in the cabinet. (front page, 2-3, commentary page 14)

"Patients sleeping in clinic hallways": The Ljubljana clinic for infectious disease is in dire need of expansion. In recent weeks, patients had to be placed in the hallways due to lack of space in the hospital rooms. (front page, 4)


"Should you fear 50% tax on capital?": The paper analyses the new government's plans on taxes from its 37-page coalition agreement which have already upset some business executives in the country. (front page, 2-3)

Delavska Hranilnica
"MyWorld is banned in Norway, but here it is buying Delavska Hranilnica": The company MyWorld is buying the shares of savings bank Delavska Hranilnica despite the fact that the company was declared a pyramid scheme in Norway. (front page, 5)

Liberalisation of railways
"Market is open. What can we expect?": In June, changes to the railways transport came into force, allowing free access to railways infrastructure, including in the passenger segment. This transposes an EU directive and opens the railway market. (front page, 6-7)


Government formation
"New and old names": The list of candidates for ministerial posts in the new government was officially presented yesterday. It includes several officials from the outgoing government, but also some political newcomers. (front page, 2-3)

Kosovo-Serbia talks
"Kosovo and Serbia to trade lands": Rumours are getting louder that Serbia and Kosovo want to trade some lands. The Preševska Dolina valley in the south of Serbia would reportedly be traded for ten predominately Serbian municipalities in the north of Kosovo. (front page, 7)

"The joy and problems of hops": While hops producers in the Savinjska Dolina valley, where hops production has the longest tradition, are looking forward to a good harvest, in Koroška a civil initiative opposes hops production because of the use of pesticides. (front page, 12-13)

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