What the Papers Say: Friday, 2 November 2018

By , 02 Nov 2018, 09:00 AM News
What the Papers Say: Friday, 2 November 2018 Wikimedia - Jordanbaker30 CC by 3.0 unported

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Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian newspapers for Friday, 2 November 2018, as prepared by the STA:


"Fighting terrorism with less privacy": The Slovenian police have developed an algorithm for systemic checking of airline passengers based on data acquired from airlines. Four out of ten warnings triggered by the system are unwarranted. (front page, 2)

School meals
"Parents should take care of special diets": An increasing number of parents are demanding special diets for their children in schools, which usually are not medicinally warranted and are based on personal or religious beliefs or recommendations from healers. (front page, 2)

Labour rights
"Serial violations in public institutions": Serial violations of labour rights are taking place in the buildings of ministries, agencies and other public institutions, in particular in relation to hiring and payment of cleaners and security guards. (front page, 8)

Yemen crisis
"Tragedy of people in war and poverty": The humanitarian crisis in Yemen brought by the ongoing war is turning into a disaster, with hunger threatening the lives of seven million children. (front page)


"Red alerts due to wind also in Slovenia": Winds reached speeds of up to 100 km/h in certain areas of Slovenia in recent days, leaving wreckage behind. The situation is expected to only get worse with the climate change. (front page, 3)

Papian plagiarism scandal
"Esotericism and politics: Who stands behind the fraud": Numerous questions remain unanswered about the payment of EUR 100,000 by the Education Ministry in 2009-2010 to Armenian healer Ruben Papian for studies that he obviously had not written himself. It is hard to believe that the Education Ministry state secretary, Andreja Barle Lakota, acted on her own.(front page, 2)


European elections
"Who wants to succeed European Commission boss Juncker": As the European elections are nearing, the list of candidates who want to become the new president of the European Commission is getting longer. (front page, 2, 3)

NLB sale
"How often shares soar in their stock exchange debut": The paper analyses what statistics say about the first days when a new share enters stock market, and warns against gambling with the NLB shares, which will be listed in two weeks. (front page, 8, 9)

Local elections
"Which municipalities are the healthiest?": A survey carried out by the paper shows that the healthiest urban municipality in Slovenia is Kranj, while the healthiest municipality overall is Log-Dragomer. (front page, 5)


"Wind worse than water": The worst-case scenario predictions about flooding in northern Slovenia ahead of the holidays on 31 October and 1 November did not materialise, fortunately, but it was the strong winds that did the damage. (front page, 3)

Industry in Pomurje
"They are waiting for holiday allowances and wages": The company Arum, which is all what has remained from the clothing giant Mura, is in trouble. It cannot count on state subsidies this year, and is saving itself by delaying the payout of wages. (front page, 14)

After Merkel
"What Europe will be like without Merkel": Even the biggest critics of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has announces she would step down in 2021, are happy that she will try to stay at the post until the planned date. Merkel believes that her negotiating power will not be diminished by the announcement. (front page, 7)


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